Courts around the world are handling an increasing number of climate and environmental cases due to the urgent need to combat worsening warming and ecosystem destruction.

As of December 2022, 2,180 climate-related cases had been filed in 65 jurisdictions, including international courts and tribunals, according to the UN’s 2023 global climate litigation report. People and organisations – including communities, cities, environmental groups and young people concerned about their future – are bringing lawsuits against their governments.

Citizens want governments to take more effective climate action that protects their right to live in a clean, healthy and safe environment. Some lawsuits are successful, others fall by the wayside.

Flagship cases illustrate certain tactics which maximise the chance of a win. There are many community actions against governments currently being brought before the European Court of Human Rights. The outcomes are highly anticipated and three key aspects could inform how climate justice is approached from a legal perspective in the future.