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Buddy, every CEO is why we shouldn’t cast any CEO as any kind of savior.
Dude no fucking shit. Who thinks CEOs are going to do fuck all about climate change? They’re the most detrimental force to the climate of all fucking time, chronically across the board. It’s pretty much a given if you’re part of the ruling class that you’re bad for the environment.
Yeah, who still believes this, besides maybe corporate PR departments?
I’ve met people in real life who still have a positive view of this slime ball.
Cast em like this instead
Maybe if they fire him st the sun
Did anybody at anypoint cast any CEO as a Climate Savior?
If only Al Gore had won… (not just the popular vote that is)
Maybe we should cast them into the sun instead.
Wtf. Nobody thought Musk was pro climate. He bought a space rocket company ffs.
Pretty obvious he doesn’t give a shit about the climate…