They aren’t on the ground. That’s too much effort.
I was just going to say, who has the energy to sort them into bins?
What do you mean “put away”?
They’re already in the clean clothes pile, where else would they go?
Right? They are not on the floor. That should be enough. Who are you OP? My mom?!?!
It bothers me that actually dirty and clean are right next to each other. I would swap ‘only kinda dirty’ with ‘actually dirty’ and reverse the order of all of them. Clean on the left and going progressively dirtier as we move to the right.
the 4th bin is actually just my floor
All the bins are floor, specific parts of the floor, just a bit away from each other
No, sometimes one of the bins moves between the bed and chair.
Ah, yes, the mythical traveling floor bin that isn’t a bin nor on the floor, yet every evening it migrates to the chair & then makes the long journey back to bed in the morning-ish …