• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Take the pill and be a good, docile citizen. It’s insane for me to think that a quarter of the UK has some sort of mental illness, that requires medication. Either this is a wild amount of overperscription, which wouldn’t be that surprising, after having had some experience with the NHS; or things are very broken at a fundamental level.

    Then again whenever you hear something about the UK in the news it is either some overbearing, authoritarian, conservative bullshit or some ultra liberal nonsense, there seems to be no middle ground. Lived there a few years and have no intention of going back.

  • Let’s see.

    • We’ll probably be up to the iPhone 22 but I doubt that’s what they’ll call it.
    • We will have missed the majority of the global warming deadlines to transition to greener energy by 2030 with most companies pushing out their timeliness to 2050.
    • The buzz around AI will have died down a bit but the technology will have found its niche and been adopted both as a useful tool and the next step of enshittification against users.
    • The SpaceX Mars mission will still be nowhere to be found
    • The first $10 trillion+ market cap company will exist by then
    • There will be some other, different conflict in the middle-east
    • The invasion of Taiwan will have either already been attempted or China gives up on it and decides to focus on building their own fabs
    • Putin is still in control of Russia but extremely rarely seen outside of his bunker. Thee are many conspiracies that he is dead and has been replaced by a double
    • The war in Ukraine has stalled with neither party being able to achieve complete victory. There is an armistice in place but not a proper peace accord
    • The price of food has almost doubled again compared to today but wages only increased by 60%
    • There is an even higher social tension between the left and right but people are unwilling to try to break out of the two party system
    • Lemmy has 2-3 x users compared to today but is still a niche platform