They’re so cute, I love them!!! 💙💙💙
They’re so cute, I love them!!! 💙💙💙
NOT ALL GENERICS ARE THE SAME! I’ve been screaming this for years, and people have brushed me off.
I’ve been on meds for 10+ years, and I’ve been through lots of generics.
There was a generic from a manufacturer called “Sunrise” that basically did nothing!!
Lots of them stop me from dreaming.
One caused my skin to turn pink/red until it wore off.
The latest one causes me to have dreams I cannot force myself awake from (none of the dreams have been unpleasant so far, thankfully… but I’m a lucid dreamer, so it’s concerning to me)
I was on a generic depression/ADHD drug for a very short time, and it gave me actul waking nightmares.
I took name-brand at the beginning, but switched pretty quickly to generic, so I don’t have much experience to compare with it, unfortunately. But, rest assured: not all generics are the same!!!
Looking at this makes me feel peaceful and happy. (: Thanks for posting!
“Gravity Falls”! Great to watch with the kids, too. (:
Brings me joy, tbh.
Stop giving into social pressure to have children.
If you truly want to, have the resources, & you’re okay with making a lot of personal sacrifices, go for it.
But don’t do it just because it’s “expected of you” or anything else people say to try and guilt you into it. It will end up making everyone involved miserable.
We can dye with natural substance. Teas, berries, bark, flowers, spices, etc.
Geriatric grandma strippers invade club to dance on hot dudes. 😎
“USA vs Luigi” & “The People vs Luigi”…
Can someone more well-versed in legalese please explain why the cases were given those titles?
I miss eggs…
Congratulations! That looks absolutely delicious!
Painting a room. Satin-finish. The man crumbles in agony, hammering his fists into the ground, furious with such a non-scientific task. He was tricked. Should have got a woman to do it.
“You always seem to ‘develop’ some sort of health issue. You’re kind of a hypochondriac!”
Me, who went undiagnosed with multiple physical & mental health issues all my life, only to be told that my issues were actually manifestations from demons because I was not following, believing, and trusting in God hard enough. 😶
“Wow! You’re doing so well now! See? You’re not—!”
I’m teachin’ my kid about aquariums & fish, gardening & plants, virtual machines & old software, how to cook good foods, art and technology, card games, and life lessons about standing up for himself and others.
There’s still good in this world. And if it’s difficult to find, become the good in this world.
That literally sounds like domestic terrorism.
Marriage and children are not the ultimate marker for success, happiness, or maturity.
Please remember that.
I have hypohidrosis, so that might affect it?
Mosquitoes are not a big problem for me, and their bites do not make me itch.
My kid, however… mosquitoes just swarm him, and the poor thing swells up when he’s bitten.
Absolutely! It’s just sad to see people misunderstanding and looking down on cats because they don’t bother to learn their language.
My cat used to yell if he had gone a bit without seeing anyone. I would just call out “we’re right here!” and he’d prance into the room all happy to know we’re around.
The comic seems to be misinterpreting cat language for dog language (like when dogs whine to get a reassuring touch/affection).
Cats aren’t dogs. They don’t communicate like dogs. Don’t treat them like dogs then blame them for not behaving like a dog.
Oh, it’s pretty simple, really.
Had a friend who I realized would always complain about women in his movies, shows, video games, and whatever.
Turns out: he just hated women. Oh, he loved looking at “attractive” women and fucking women, mind you. But he just hated women. He didn’t even really grasp it and would deny it every time I to brought it up.
If a woman isn’t “hot” and/or willing to fuck them, the woman has no value. Anything they say or do also has no value if they’re not providing some kind of sexual stimulation for a man.
That’s why.