I think this is giving them a bit too much credit, they’re not carefully orchestrating anything it’s just really easy to get a certain kind of person to accept fascist behavior.
I think this is giving them a bit too much credit, they’re not carefully orchestrating anything it’s just really easy to get a certain kind of person to accept fascist behavior.
You’ll feel right at home on that instance if you don’t like how .ml operates
“You’ll like being places where you’re welcomed even if you have a differing opinion far more than a place that carefully maintains an authoritarian echo chamber” isn’t exactly a scathing indictment of their character, you realize that right?
(In english, italics are often used to denote sarcasm. Don’t know that’s what happened here, but calm down.)
Can you really blame them? Everyone knows .world is nothing but hate speech, disinformation and transphobes running rampant. /s
They really hate it when you point out they could just defederate from us, because there’s no good excuse for not doing it if they truly believe their claims.
This is a grossly inappropriate comic
Well, yeah.
To be honest, that there was any win at all is pretty shocking.
It’s a bit like OSRS for reddit - an attempt to revive the reddit we all have very rose-tinted memories of. Unfortunately we seem to have forgotten about the the rampant casual misogyny, tribalism, moderator political infighting, that the 2007 XP rates were actually abysmally implemented and desperately needed retooling (and that deeply awkward “ron paul” phase reddit went through…)
Yeah I’ve spent a ton of money on much dumber memes, this one is tempting…
It’s pretty widely regarded as a slur at this point.
You can’t say that, that’s our word.
What can you do but laugh, man. It took what, a few hours for them to remember what happened to Tumblr and try to walk this back? God, can’t even commit to licking boots…
Don’t be a coward, jerk off on your main and your alt!
I don’t disagree they’re not on our side, I just think they’d have been much less likely to plunge the country into a fascist hellscape and persecute the people I care about.
I feel like there’s very little chance you intentionally misinterpreted my comment, so in the interest of keeping civil discourse alive: what’s happening in Palestine isn’t a war, it’s a massacre, and I was referring to the nascent civil war and fascist takeover of the US when I said ‘war’ (and to the things like rampant persecution of LGB (and especially T) people, the open violence against the poor and minorities, etc.).
It’s a fucking war. Sometimes the only option you get is to put off losing. We didn’t do that, in no small part because of idiot idealists who apparently refuse to understand a concept so basic even chimps get it. Now, thanks to that and SO much more, even being hopeful is approaching the realm of deluded fantasy.
I have no problem alienating people who think their own precious idea of morality is somehow so sacrosanct it can’t be compromised even to actually save the lives they pretend to care about.
So your complaint is that it’s really difficult for unknown users, unfamiliar with the rules and conventions, to make edits to wikipedia? Gotta be honest that sounds… like not exactly the worst situation for it to be in.
Man, I sure have been to a lot of protests over something american liberals aren’t supposed to have noticed up until now…
Are you new here because you’re doing this wrong, genuine self awareness isn’t a thing we do on the internet. We just get snotty at people talking about our specific interests because we haven’t slept in forty-some hours.
Sorry. I sincerely hope you have a very nice day!
Neat, you’re at odds with the definitions used by the entire switch CFW community, but I’m glad you get to feel like you know what you’re talking about.
Erista is v1, Mariko is v2. ‘First gen’ means Erista. This is how I’ve seen it for the entire six years I’ve been developing homebrew for the switch. It’s how my documentation lists it, it’s how everyone else’s documentation lists it. Otherwise you’re trying to delineate between multiple asynchronous hardware revisions, which with nintendo’s arbitrarily applied board codes boy does that get convoluted…
Gotta hand it to trump, I don’t think I could have conceived of a better way to bring to light the vast amount of good the US does for the world than to… uh… abruptly stop doing it.