It could even be a youtube video or movie that you don’t think anyone reading this has heard of besides you.

    10 months ago

    There was a local band where I am 20+ years ago called Naucet. With songs such as “This is Not a Convenient Time to be Stabbed”. I have absolutely no idea what happened to the band, where they went, what they did. I can find no reference to them anywhere online whatsoever. I have a musician friend who was friends with them(maybe just one of them, I forget at this point) and has copies of their music on an old hard drive somewhere in a closet. Been a number of years since I’ve seen/heard from said friend, so I can only assume whether or not he still has that old hard drive. If he does, then for all I know, that might be the only place in existence that you can find that music.

      10 months ago

      I love stuff like that. I’ve got demo tapes and 7" records from local punk bands from the 90s. Some were kids from my school or kids I used to skateboard with.

      A lot of it is just rubbish, but it means something to me. I’ll put a few songs on every couple of years, laugh at the hand-drawn artwork, reminisce, and sing along.

      Pretty sure there’s very few, if any, other copies of some of that stuff around anymore.