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I see ADHD meds constantly being prescribed to people that fit ADHD symptoms; but neurotransmitter levels usually aren’t checked prior, which could cause some issues in development. Capitalism is a parasite that values profit over people, so it is unsurprising to find that some people fit ADHD symptoms because the brutality of capitalism exhausted them.

Artificially inserting neurotransmitters into children can affect their development; health issues could appear as a result.

    1 year ago

    I do think that ADHD is somewhat incompatible with capitalism, tbh. Or at the very least, a typical office job where days are very samey. ADHD hyperfocus seems like something that would have been real useful in pre-agricultural society. Tracking an animal to kill because everyone is starving is like, the ultimate “oh shit this is due tomorrow let’s GO!” Feeling urgency on probably very little sleep, yet thriving because it makes brain go brr brr lol.

    I think it’s okay for people to make their own choices with their doctors about whether they want to try to manage their symptoms with medication, though.