Senator’s bid to make US military support conditional on whether Israel is violating human rights in Gaza fails by 72 votes to 11

  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
    6 months ago

    Here’s is the link to South Africa’s complaint:

    I’m not sure what your link is but it’s very barebones.

    I didn’t read the entire complaint but a couple things stood out to me.

    The most sensational claims in the document come from questionable media sources, directly from the Palestinians authorities, or are attributed to often unnamed sources or just “reports.”

    Many of the incidents alleged are repeated dozens and dozens of times throughout the document, in different contexts. A handful of war crimes, even if proven, in a war, does not make the war a genocide.

    It’s a complaint, so it includes no facts from Israel’s side of the story; none of the intelligence, none of Israel’s public explanations or press releases or videos.