Russia boasts a massive energy infrastructure, but a recent wave of heating system breakdowns has left many of its citizens scrambling to keep the frost outside. We are still using the communal infrastructure that was made during the Soviet era," said Svetlana Razvorotneva, a Russian lawmaker and member of the committee in charge of urban engineering. “We did not invest in modernization. Instead, we invested in maintaining all that outdated infrastructure.”

    9 months ago

    With my whole chest: FUCK. THE. RUSSIAN. PEOPLE.

    Those vile scum have never once in history had their shit together. All they’ve ever accomplished is bringing misery to themselves and exporting it to their neighbors. Hell, they export misery worldwide!

    Last century? 50-years of Cold War hanging over our heads. 50-years of planet killing devastation, good to go. If men like Vasily Arkhipov and Stanislav Petrov hadn’t had the balls to defy orders, we’d be living in Fallout.

    Once the Soviet Union collapsed? They turned into gangsters, overnight, fucking their people over, because that’s how they roll. Raped the whole country, and you get what we have here today. Oligarchs raiding the military until it’s almost non-functional. Oligarchs with world bending wealth while the people freeze to death.

    The Russians refuse to join the rest of the planet for peace and prosperity. FFS, North Korea is their ally. How fucked up is your situation when you’re purchasing howitzer shells from the retarded kid living in a shack?!

    Now they’re prosecuting a war against their little brother, failing miserably, barely hanging in at best. Ya know, because they fucked themselves over so hard they can’t field working tanks, rifles or soldiers.

    And what do the Russian people do? Same thing as always! Curl into a depression ball and say, “So it goes. Pass the vodka.”

    And for those of you coming along thinking, “Damn this guy hates Russia.” I don’t hate Russia nearly as much as Russians hate Russia. The minute those people show an ounce of spine, I’ll be their biggest cheerleader.