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Specific quotes from the article that mention the Fediverse:

  • “The Fediverse is a controlled burn for the internet. It’s a way to clear out the dead and dying platforms and make way for new growth.”

  • “The big platforms are inevitably going to become corrupted and toxic. They give too much power to a small number of people. The Fediverse, on the other hand, is a more decentralized platform, which means that it is less likely to become enshittified.”

  • “The Fediverse is freeing people. It’s allowing people to leave the big platforms and create their own communities. This is important because it gives people more control over their own online experience.”

  • Monkey With A
    1 year ago

    I was thinking more on the lines of containerization vs virtualization vs bare metal in regards to the efficiency. A compute cluster running a stack of containers all backed by a storage area network can handle a pile more transactions than a bunch of desktops all running their own OS with dedicated drives.

    The distributed spare cycles thing works well for projects like the FAH or BOINC systems where all are working on a singular project in small pieces but less so for other things just because of the transfer and transaction overhead. Still, it’s a fine way to start putting some control back in the user’s hands that can be run with a minimal investment.