Hooded crow, eurasian magpie, western jackdaw and another eurasian magpie
These are super common where I live. It’s a shame I almost never get to see ravens up close. They’re huge even compared to crows.
Counting Crows
The magpies always outnumber them. Five minutes before this was taken there were like 10 magpies, one or two jackdaws, this crow and his buddy
Counting Corvids
At first I was gonna be like “There are 4 of them, look at me I’m the counting crows now”… Then your comment stole the thunder. Have a boost.
Murder on the dancefloor
The jacket crows are the best
Huh, I’ve never seen crows with such striking coloration!
Ive seen lots of variance in seagulls and pigeons, but nothing beyond basically sheen intensity with crows.
Yeah this is a hooded crow! Super cool. You can recognize individuals pretty easily if they have a unique chest pattern too. We call this guy Bob
Hi bob! =P