• kromem@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Yes, though it’s also worth noting that there seems to be a reverse effect of 2016 where Trump was underrepresented in polls from actual votes to now where he seems overrepresented compared to actual results.

    I suspect for the same reason in opposite application.

    In 2016 it was embarrassing to be pro-Trump, and so a lot may have said “undecided.” Now, particularly in conservative areas or households, it could be outright dangerous not to claim you are for him on a phone poll.

    How many households have a fanatical pro-Trumper but other members planning to secretly vote against him who would never say as such on the phone to a pollster?

    I definitely think anyone rational should be fighting tooth and nail to prevent the catalyst to the fall of democracy, but the situation may not actually be as dire as it seems and people’s apathy in the face of what seems an unavoidable tragedy is probably misplaced - this is very much avoidable and primary polls were off by double digits for Trump in many places.

    It’s not like climate change where we really are fucked. This one is likely still up in the air.

    • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
      6 months ago

      I’ve said for years now, nobody is “undecided”, it’s “I AIN’T TELLIN’ YEW WHO I’AHM A-VOTIN’ FER!” ;)