This comes after Trump promised the oil executives he’d end all decarbonization efforts in exchange for a billion dollars, and made it possible for Trump to start outraising Biden for the first time

If you’re reading this, and you’re an American, it’s on you to actually be a counterweight to this. That means:

  • Make sure you’re registered to vote — you’ll need to register for the first time if you turned 18, and will need to update yours if you moved, changed name, or simply had your registration purged by Republican officials
  • Volunteer. Phone banking and such are help, but if you’re able to, travel to volunteer in-person and talk to people.
  • Donate. Give what’s ok for you, not more. If you’re well-off enough to show up for an in-person fundraiser and tell officials why you’re donating, that’s amazing.
    5 months ago

    If they do manage to pull out a win in November, it needs to be no more Mr Nice Neoliberal. Bust the industry’s collective balls.

    Lmao… It’s nice to dream, but even dreams need to have some basis in reality. We have a conservative party and a conservative party with like 6 “progressives” in it.