This is an opportunity for any users, server admins, or interested third parties to ask anything they’d like to and I about Lemmy. This includes its development and future, as well as wider issues relevant to the social media landscape today.

Note: This will be the thread tmrw, so you can use this thread to ask and vote on questions beforehand.

Original Announcement thread

    11 months ago

    First of all, thank you for creating Lemmy!

    • Are you confident that ActivityPub is the right protocol for large numbers of users/communities/instances? I’ve read about concerns about the scalability of ActivityPub due to its “push” nature, and I’m wondering how reliable those concerns can be.
    • Is there a “right” maximum size for instances (user or community-wise) so that the load and reliability is properly spread?
    • (On behalf of a colleague not yet using Lemmy) Is it planned or enviable to provide OAuth/OpenID for auth, so that a user could have created an account in instanceA but log in to instanceB with the same account; potentially reducing the load on instanceA and/or allowing interaction with content federated with instanceB but not instanceA?