• JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    You mean like when I asked you to provide a name of someone running that could win against Trump in November?

    You forgot didn’t you?

    You had no answer. I asked you several times. You refused to answer. Proving that no only do you not have anything better to say than “dOn’T vOtE fOr biDeN!” You have no clue what your end game is.

    And in case you forgot- I said I had no intention to ever take a thing you say seriously. That means I’m not entertaining any of your questions where you refused to answer mine.

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      That’s because you keep fever dreaming that I care about that. Like it’s some kind of gotcha moment.

      But I’ve made it pretty clear that it’s a price I’m willing to accept because the realistic damage Trump can do is already happening.

      So, now. How is Congress going to get around Biden? Do they have 67 votes in the Senate and 290 votes in the house to override his veto? Do they have 60 votes in the Senate to repeal the Leahy Law and Foreign Assistance Act?

      What physical method will they use to deliver weapons the Pentagon and State won’t move and the US Marshals will impound if they have to?

      Edit to add, you also keep ignoring I’m absolutely willing to vote for Biden if he stops supporting this genocide.

      • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Nope. Not happening. I don’t entertain people I think are working to undermine American democracy. You’re not owned an answer, as you don’t have the respect it takes give them in good faith.

        You’ve proven yourself to not care about Palestine since you’ve admitted that you’re willing to get trump elected just to spite Biden, you’ve proven yourself to not have any suggestions as to who could win against Trump that will do better than Biden, and lastly-

        A a result of all of this… No further evidence is need to illustrate your purpose here.

        • Maggoty@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Oh look it’s another fever dream. The answer to genocide will never be, “but we can have just a little”.

          And again, ad nauseam, I’ll vote for Biden. The day he stops supporting Israel. I’ll hold my mail in ballot with a blank slot and mark his name the second he announces he’s no longer sending weapons to support a genocide.

          • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            Cool. So, if you’re a legit leftist- you’re openly admitting that you’re holding your vote ransom over a single issue in an other country that we have already proven in the past by your comment history- you didn’t give a shit about prior to last October, and you admit that don’t give a shit how many Americans suffer under Trump if you don’t get your way.


            You’re openly admitting that you’re here in bad faith and only intend to disrupt an election.

            I think we both know which one it is.

            • Maggoty@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              Remember when we talked about you making things up about me? With a comment history, on Lemmy, that’s no longer than a few months before October there’s no possible way to come to that conclusion.

              But you do like your fever dreams.

              And what you call holding a vote “hostage” is how a democracy works. If you do something heinous, people might decide not to vote for you again. It’s the entire reason representatives have 2 year terms.

              And again, Trump isn’t going to represent a major change because the red states are already implementing their plan and Democrats aren’t stopping it. So either the federal government is functionally incapable of stopping it, in which case Trump as president doesn’t matter; or it’s a willful disregard in which case Trump as president doesn’t matter.

              And no his talk about Palestine doesn’t matter either because you can’t double kill someone.

              • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
                4 months ago

                Yeah. There is absolutely a way to come to that conclusion as you have nothing at all to say about Palestine prior to around November of last year.

                Secondly, yes. It is allowing citizens in your country to knowingly suffer because you aren’t getting your way is NOT democratic bud. Sorry to break this to you.

                If my house was burning, I wouldn’t let my own family die to put out the fire next door. And you won’t fine too many people that would. Especially if you know the next door neighbors house is going to re-it it’s the second you walk away from it.

                Trump will decimate Palestine. We know this. He has said as much. YOU know this, and everyone here knows you know it. And don’t think for a second that I’m here to try and educate you enough to the point that you would or even could change your mind- we all know there’s no way that could or would happen. I’m here to ensure that people see your chosen words in response to being effectively called out. You have not once provided any care whatsoever about those who will suffer if/when you get Trump elected because of your little temper tantrum.

                Lastly… I believe it is mine and everyone’s duty to ensure propaganda is called out on lemmy. And I do not plan on stopping until after the election when all of you “far lefters” disappear and reroll your sock puppets so you can pretend to be victims of your own agenda.

                Everyone needs to vote like lives depend on it.

                • Maggoty@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  The fucking irony of you calling me propaganda as you intentionally misconstrue what I’m saying in every. single. comment.

                  So again because I’m that stubborn.

                  You can’t kill people twice.

                  The Democrats already aren’t stopping the red states

                  Trump cannot do any more harm than is already being done.

                  If you need further explanations for those, look to the comments you’ve largely ignored.

                  Finally, you are not psychic. You do not know what you cannot see. So there is no way you can know what positions I’ve taken on Israel on Reddit, on Liveleak, in college, or at my local watering hole, or anywhere before I came to Lemmy.

                  • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
                    4 months ago

                    Cute, but yeah. We do know exactly what Trump will do. As we have had four years of practice predicting him. And it should probably go without saying, but will anyway:

                    He’s already taken his stance! PUBLICLY. But… He won’t stop shouting what he’s doing to do. We can’t NOT know what he’s going to do if we wanted to. And we both know you’re fully aware of a little manifesto called Project 2025. So let’s not pretend you have any stance to say “bUt wE cAn’T kNoW what tRuMp wiLL do!”

                    And there’s no irony in my calling out your propaganda dude. You can’t answer a simple question of who could replace Biden since you have such a hate-boner for him. Anyone serious enough about it would at least attempt a good faith run at it. I’ve asked ACTUAL far leftists this same question and they answer it as best as they can.

                    Because they are the real deal. You are not.

                    You’ve been asked many times by me and others… and you just can’t answer it. Because you know there is no one that stands a chance. So instead of doing what’s necessary to protect the already oppressed minorities of America/ who are ABSOLUTELY going to suffer greatly…

                    YOU opt to ignore the entire concept of it and replace the topic with more anti-Biden bullshit.

                    Always. EVERY FUCKING TIME.

                    You do not acknowledge the damage that will happen to both America, as well as Palestine. You ignore it! because you know damn well what it’s going to be. You’ve been called out dude. What you say in bars, what you said in college… none of that is worth a rat’s ass when put next to the shit you spread here.

                    You are out of gas. And have nothing more to say that hasn’t been said to clearly illustrate the path you’ve taken on lemmy.

                    Respond and you’re just digging the hole deeper.