We’re happy to announce the launch of Raspberry Pi Pico 2, our second-generation microcontroller board, built on RP2350: a new high-performance, secure microcontroller designed here at Raspberry Pi.

With a higher core clock speed, twice the memory, more powerful Arm cores, new security features, and upgraded interfacing capabilities, Pico 2 delivers a significant performance and feature uplift, while retaining hardware and software compatibility with earlier members of the Pico series.

Pico 2 is on sale now, priced at $5.

  • t3rmit3@beehaw.org
    3 months ago

    Holy crap, $5?

    I’ve been looking to do a couple SBC projects recently, but I need/ want something more powerful, so this wouldn’t be in my lane. I do love how cheap edge computing power is becoming, largely thanks to rPi. I’m not a fan of IoT, but I am a fan of sticking little, self-managed computers everywhere!

    • ericjmorey@programming.dev
      3 months ago

      You should be aware that this is classified and marketed as a microcontroller, so it’s just a bootloader to some code with no OS or a RTOS.

      Something like the RPi Zero is a SBC that’s relatively close in size.