Dont even need to watch the whole video. This is all you gotta see.

    1 year ago

    Sometimes I hear people scoff at company wide sensitivity trainings, but we recently had to do training about sexual harassment. A company in my field recently had a serious allegation of sexual misconduct, and other companies in the area (including mine) scrambled to provide internal training to avoid this kind of public scrutiny. In the three days of training, in the discussion sessions, I was surprised at how uninformed some of my dear colleagues are on this subject. It didn’t come from a malicious place, they were simply never invited to take on another person’s perspective. Some will only see the certificate we got only as a formality, the “woke” among us, the more introspective ones, but for others, these trainings can actually be eye opening and meaningful. Others will never learn, but thankfully this was not the case in our small company.