Watching mythical kitchen about hash browns and wondering if anybody have any ideas on how to make potatoes into other things that are extremely cheap. I usually have only potatoes and margarine at last 2 weeks before I get food stamps because it isn’t enough to cover basic food things.

Does anybody know any good ideas or recipes or something that does not require a lot of other one time ingredients? That’s really cheap on quantities, like spices, where it can last a while with it being really inexpensive.

Things I have is absolutely basic cooking skills and cooking appliances. Microwave oven and stove. I don’t have much of anything because and can’t afford anything

Anybody have any ideas or recipes or thoughts?

    4 months ago

    Get yourself a couple of onions while you’re buying potatoes. Gently cook a sliced half onion in a bit of margarine until it’s nice and soft, then add your chopped up potato, a bit of salt and some herbs (see below), pour water in and cook gently until the potato is done. Soup!

    Ideas for getting fresh herbs: trickiest one is visiting a garden centre that sells herbs and casually nipping off a sprig. Rosemary is very tasty and pungent, you don’t need much, thyme is also good. Is there a botanic garden or similar near you? Learn what various herbs look like and go scouting. If you see someone gardening ask if they have herbs, and would they mind letting you have a twig. Again, you don’t need a whole lot. But it makes a big difference to flavour, and is nicer than dried herbs.

    I did a lot of shameless scrounging when I was young, including sifting through vegetables discarded by retailers but still ok to eat, but I realise not everyone is up for this kind of malarkey. So think about investing in a packet of basil seeds. Very tasty herb. All else you need is some dirt and an empty margarine tub. Easy to grow basil on your window ledge.