One year, we decided to pass the new year eve in an uncle’s house at some god forsaken hole with our dog. After a neverending trip during wich our dog farted in the car, we finally arrive. The said uncle was a radical ecologist, wich is not a problem per se, except when his only conversation subject is about the ecological collapse, not the ideal subject for a good atmosphere, with in addition to that my sister’s BF, who was with us, doing his Mr. know-it-all show. Then we went to sleep, and i realize that i forgot my earplugs. No luck, everyone in my family was snoring very loudly, including the dog. Result: i didn’t sleep at all and looked pretty much like a zombie the next morning.

    3 months ago

    My toddler had a respiratory issue several days before Christmas. Hospitalized for a few days. Released a few days before Christmas. We got home. Pipes froze that very day, for several days. So no water in the house. We were supposed to travel, but due to the hospital and weather were stuck home, so we had to scramble to get a few Xmas things together for the kids. Luckily midway through Xmas, the pipes finally thawed - Christmas miracle, we could shower.