In the USA, allows you to buy books online, and 10% of sales (different from 10% of profits) support independent bookstores. I have a sort-of local bookstore whose hours don’t work well with my free time. I order online from and designate “my” bookstore to get the 10%. Win win!
In the USA, allows you to buy books online, and 10% of sales (different from 10% of profits) support independent bookstores. I have a sort-of local bookstore whose hours don’t work well with my free time. I order online from and designate “my” bookstore to get the 10%. Win win!
Here is more info about
This site is pretty cool. Thanks for pointing it out!
Is the platform global or america exclusive
Don’t use US Defaultism on lemmy, reddit had that problem and I don’t want it here on lemmy as well
Thanks for pointing that out, I edited my comment.