• aport@programming.dev
    10 months ago

    They are so desperate for validations they’ve managed to twist this into evidence of communism as a superior ideology.

    • chaogomu@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      It’s hard to argue that communism as imagined by the tankies is better in any way than the souless capitalism that we all suffer under. However, real communism as imagined by Marx (but not Lenin) is vastly superior.

      See, Marx saw the workers owning the means of production on a local scale. The example being factory workers owning the factory they worked in. Workers would directly profit from their own labor.

      Lenin envisioned the State owning the means of production. Workers would work for the good of the State, or else.

      Marx postulated that economies followed a sort of progression, feudalism led to capitalism, which in turn led to communism.

      Unfortunately, the real world doesn’t work in neat, linear progressions.

      Marx imagined a utopia, and Lenin, in an attempt to create something like it, reinvented feudalism with different masters. Which is not surprising, as Russia was still living under feudalism when Lenin was born.

      My prediction for the future of government is as follows; as the climate crisis and automation crisis progress, there will be four types of government.

      The first are failed states. They will have lost the climate roulette. Their populations are either fled or dead.

      The second are puppet states. These will exist mostly for resource extraction. Their populations will still exist, but many will have fled or died. The rest will toil in resource extraction to feed the last two categories.

      The penultimate is the fascist police state. China and Russia are well on their way to this outcome, and the US is actively flirting with it. This is the end game of capitalism. A new feudalism where the serfs are disposable and interchangeable, instead of tied to the land and part of an inheritance. The only saving grace is that fascism always leads to an unstable mess of a government that almost inevitably crashes and burns when the strongman dictator dies.

      The final category is the automated utopia. Automation takes off fast enough to put everyone out of work, and the governments realize that money is just something we made up and decides to just let anyone have whatever they want (within reason) because it takes no human effort to produce anything.

      The automated utopia is a dream, I hope it happens. It would look sort of like a cross between Marx’s dream of communism and UBI with no strings attached.

      • anticommunist@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        It’s hard to imagine the Utopia imagined in the chronicles of Narnia could be worse than what we currently have under capitalism.

        But like Carl Marx and what his followers imagine it’s not real. its made up fantasy. Real societies function on proven functioning principles. Not made up nonsense.

        You can say

        I want everyone to be equal

        But they never can be because everyone is different and so by definition of their own individual existence cannot be. They only way to make everyone equal is to kill everyone. And that’s what communism does best.

        • chaogomu@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          You’re confusing Marx and Lenin. They had two vastly different ideas about what communism should be.

          We have a century of Lenin, and yes, it came with death and destruction, including Leninist communists murdering Marxist communists.

          You also don’t seem to understand that capitalism is so much worse. If you have no value in a fully capitalist society, you die far faster than even in a Leninist feudal society pretending to be communist.

          The two East Indies Companies are prime examples of what capitalism run rampant get you. Murder and genocide in the name of profit, and the thing is, that shit is still going on. People elsewhere in the world are being exploited and murdered on a daily basis, so that you can live in a happy capitalist society.