It’s blatant extortion now.

    19 hours ago

    Well, that and also the fact that Canadians currently see the US as a severely indebted dumpster fire where the system is specifically designed to exploit and oppress its citizens for the profit of the few. A police state where cops can assault, rob, unlawfully imprison and murder anyone without repercussion, where your insurance company will deny you life saving treatments to make more money despite charging you twice what Canadians pay for their own health insurance through their slightly higher taxes, where the cost of education is absurdly prohibitive and social mobility is nonexistent, where it is legal to pay someone a salary that is not even enough to keep them lodged and fed while working over 50 hours a week on several jobs, where corporations can sell you food containing ingredients that are known to be harmful to your health, where religious zealots with belief systems that belong to the dark ages wield significant political power, where citizens are locked up for simple violations while rich people get away with murder, where entertainment TV shows can spew out pure disinformation while calling themselves “FOX News” where Corporations are being given human rights that take priority over real humans and their political donations are considered “free speech”, where any moron can buy a gun without even having a single clue on how to use it safely and where the violent crime rate is through the roof, all that while chanting about being the greatest country on Earth.

    And that was before we even take Trump into consideration. But hey, he said we could keep our anthem because he likes it and that we’d pay lower taxes. So I guess that makes it worth it now?