• ozoned@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Yes, what i’m doing is asking for actually information. If toy want to suggest alternatives, i’ll check them out. Instead you just want everyone to trust you on your word. And looking at your history you just want to live in your bubble and fight anyone that doesn’t agree with you.

      So give us some alternatives.

      Or ignore me and prove me right, and i sincerely do wish everyone, including you, a good life. And not in the sarcastic way you dismiss people.

        • ozoned@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          And internet search providers aren’t biased at all either, right?

          There’s so much false info on the internet tout can’t trust any of it. None of them are regulated. in my experience at least snopes and mbfc try to back up their claims.

          So you just randomly look up stuff and believe whatever hit is first?

          Search engines are biased on how you phrase things.

          So you have zero trustworthy sources you’re saying.

          I’m legitemately asking you, for the fourth time, give me some sources.

          I’m attempting to educate myself more, but you give zero information to help that, outside of critizing me, but yet you insist i’m the troll.


          So do you do all your own scientific research as well? Have you confirmed gravity? Or do you just trust that it’s real?

          We have to assume some level of trust on some line, until proven otherwise.

            • ozoned@lemmy.ml
              3 years ago

              I’m not insisting anything. How do you verify the website that was given to you in the search engine iz trustworthy?

                • ozoned@lemmy.ml
                  3 years ago

                  So for every single news article you completely research every facet of a company? You have way more patience than i do. But that probably is what it takes on the internet today.

                  I’d assume once you research a company though that you wouldn’t research it again, you just save yourself time and go based on your original research?

                  Or do you check up on each and everytime?

                  Do you have a list of ones you trust?