I’ve had my ISP account for nearly 3 years. Today, I got some funny new fees on my Internet bill. One was a “high speed network recovery fee” and the other was an “administrative fee” with my state in the name. I’m curious what more I could do to fight these stupid fees. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  • Used their live chat feature. I tried to argue the fees were illegal, but they insisted they were and immediately closed the chat. Whoops

  • Called them. They denied my request to remove the fees, even when I threatened to close my account (I’m moving soon, so I’m gonna have to close my account anyway LOL). They kept trying to distract me by questioning me about other ways to reduce my rate, like reducing my speed. Sounded like bullshit, so I hung up.

  • Did some research and found their corporate office in my city. I handwrote a letter about my dissatisfaction and my threat to close my account in August (which just so happens to be when I’m moving anyway). Sent it out in the mail this morning.

So, what did I do wrong? What can I do next? I know I’m going to have to close my account anyway, but I need to be prepared for when this happens with my new account. Spectrum will be the only provider in my area, so I will have a lot less bargaining power. That, and, it’s Spectrum… Knowing how to deal with this sort of thing will be very useful for the future.

  • bstix@feddit.dk
    1 year ago

    You did what is right. Now if you want to do what is wrong, you can withhold the payment of what you think is wrong to make a signal. Disclaimer. This is a legal gery zone and not advisable generally, but with your account needing to be closed it’s a fun way to waste time. It’s something I do professionally but I would not do it in private.

    If your bill is $100 and the fee is $10 then you pay $90.

    They’ll send you reminders. Eventually they’ll threaten with debt collection. Check your laws. If you have complaints and objecting the invoiced amount (you do) it will be illegal for them to pursue the amount until the dispute is resolved. It won’t be. With amount like this they’ll likely keep sending reminders until their account steps in and tells them to write off old debt.

    Keep in mind that you only withheld $10. They’ll claim to be owed hundreds of reminder fees and interest. None of that is legal to collect by debt collection. Again check your local laws.

    In the end, it’s not worth the cost of debt collection. It’s not worth their effort to pursue it. It will disappear eventually.

    Anyway. I do not recommend this, but I still do it every day as part of my job. We take shit from no one. They oblige as long as I keep cool, and keep sending them “I already disputed this/what are you even talking about/could you please specify the amount/please provide documentation/I need a full overview” mails.

    It’s usually not worth the stress privately but it’s possible.

    Eventually if enough people complain about the fee, they’ll have it fuck off.