Hello everyone! I’m designing a PCB and I have some doubts about how to connect the 4 resistors at the top to capacitor C34. They are 4 traces, and all of them terminate at the same pad of the capacitor. As I have currently placed them, are they connected correctly? Or should I connect them in a different way?

  • pneumapunk@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    It mostly doesn’t matter.

    If it’s a high-current, high-frequency, or low-noise circuit then maybe the inductance or resistance of those traces would matter, but they’re very short so probably not.

    If you’re mass-producing it, then sometimes the reflow or wave solder process works better if the traces leave the pads in particular ways. You’d talk to your manufacturer about this.

    If this is a hobby project, you’re overthinking it; arrange them in a way that pleases you!