I’m making an animatic, and want to know how to extract audio from a video and turn it into a file I can insert into a movie making program.
I’m making an animatic, and want to know how to extract audio from a video and turn it into a file I can insert into a movie making program.
With ffmpeg installed, you can extract just the audio. Here is a sample command usage:
You may want to pass through the audio so it’s not reencoded. The top answer on this stack overflow article has an example. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9913032/how-can-i-extract-audio-from-video-with-ffmpeg
And a copy/paste:
ffmpeg -i input-video.avi -vn -acodec copy output-audio.aac
is also a good command to check what audio codec is in the videoI’m trying to download it, but my Chromebook is making the file register as “read only.” How do I fix that?
I don’t think ffmpeg works on Chromebooks.
This online converter worked for me.I don’t know if there’s a size limit; if there is you may have to trim the video first.
If you search “extract audio from video” online you can find other similar options.
For those not comfortable with a terminal, I suggest VLC. I’m 95% sure it is just using ffmpeg under the hood as well.