• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    The funny thing about baggage in politics is that it needn’t be based on truth or an actually immoral act. Plenty of politicians lose votes and races because they did something that prudes consider scandalous, but younger people don’t care about. A ton of the reasons for people disliking politicians are either based on lies, or something that’s unimportant.

    I hear so many lies or half truths about politicians I don’t like either, but still vote for because they’re the best option. It’s like people purity test by telling a lie when they don’t need to in order to make their point. They then accuse the person who points out their lies of holding a position they do not hold. I don’t like lying, even about people I hate. I want to dislike people for good reasons, and wish others did as well.