Reddit Refugee RIP
God I wish I could upvote this, but after about 5 minutes of trying to get it to stick, I will leave this comment instead. Well played ;)
Frankly one of my favorite parts about the blackout - and opinions like this - is that Lemmy is going to end up being populated by people who have the capacity to think about others and form intelligent opinions. All of the people with this attitude will stay on reddit, which is what will ultimately kill it. I hope he stays.
This is really good information, thank you for taking the time to fill an outsider in :) I will definitely be going through this and investigating once I get home from work!
This is great info, thank you! I might have to head to the local card shop and see what kinds of groups we have out in my area ;)
Oh yeah, for sure. It was just the fact that the reasoning for going through the effort of building something out in a product that isn’t designed for system administration seemed dubious at best. Likely were not allowed to access reddit while at work and so created this as a workaround. As any good SysAdmin would do ;)
Cromulent indeed!
😂 totally understand that. I hope the community grows here so I can see what’s up!
That sounds cool. I just don’t have any experience with it. The barrier to entry seems high. Kinda like Lemmy to begin with.
Hey! I appreciate your posts! Let’s say I want to get into DND, Are there any resources for such a person to peruse? It’s a big game after all.
I have never DND’d but this is Hilarios, It is actually part of the reason I have never participated. Too much stuff. Bravo though!
Honestly, while I could care less about karma, this is likely just due to the infancy of the software. You had 2 people working on this for ~3 years, and in three days their user base increased 10x. It’s not like they were given time to prepare (thanks spez). These things will be worked out, we just have to be patient. It is worth the wait for federation.
Thanks for getting this going. I have high hopes 😊 if you need any mod support, please let me know.
One of the best things about open source software - there is no need to hide useful information from your user base. A concept largely forgotten in today corporate hemisphere.
As you mentioned, I think the mods have done a fantastic job given the learning curve and lack of mod tools. This is just a good tool for accountability and transparency. Keep it up!
This is a hell of a repository for information that isn’t exactly easy to confidently acquire online. I’ve been in this game a long time and having something like this back in the day would have been SO nice to utilize. So Bravo!
I hadn’t heard of r/fmhy back before the exodus, so I am happy to be a new sub here. Thanks!
Bravo to you. This was absolutely the right call and I hope you let it rot if there isn’t a massive change of direction. Frankly, for me, even if they do roll things back I am still done with them. P2P is how the internet should be (funny considering torrenting has been a thing for how long now?) and thankfully we have guys like you to step up and help get this off the ground. Thanks!
Thanks for posting this over here. I otherwise wouldn’t have known this was going on. As I used a mostly lurker account for game day threads I wasn’t going to bother with a data request. It’s a whole different story if we can inundate them though. Request submitted. o7