Se [Fabiano] aprendesse qualquer coisa, necessitaria aprender mais, e nunca ficaria satisfeito.

Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Now, hear me out, this might sound crazy, but what if Europe gave historic reparations to Latin American countries for their colonialism and imperialism, therefore reducing the need for further deforestation? Though in all honesty a large portion of the current day deforestation is for soy plantations, which is used to make livestock rations that then go on to feed European and Yankee livestock for the profit of the local latifundiarios and nobody else. Despite what it may seem, most Brazilians (and the other countries) don’t really want more deforestation nor are they benefited by it.

    And that’s not even counting all the indigenous people who are actively fighting the destruction and takeover of their lands, including a recent vote over legislation that could’ve legally barred them from claiming a lot of it.

  • The reason is right there in the article:

    which requires the U.S. president, absent a waiver, to identify and sanction Chinese officials responsible for abuses.

    Problem is, they can’t identify these officials (or the abuses) because of lack of evidence (or even proper investigation). As evidence of this lack of evidence, can anybody name any official known to take part in any of the vague accusations?

    Even the abuses listed in the article are just “forced labor and labor transfers” and that’d be really funny of the US to use as a charge against any other country given their 13th amendment private prisons.

  • Enjoy watching Mother Russia get decimated by secondhand weapons that were mothballed in a wearhouse.

    Please don’t deny reality just because it’s uncomfortable to your genocidal desires.

    Russia has been holding strong to the land for about an year now, and it seems the Ukrainian counter-offensive didn’t work as advertised. Nobody should be enjoying anything in this war, including your imagined situation of Russian obliteration, but thankfully that is only your sadistic thoughts and not reality. This war needs to end ASAP, or what we will actually see is just even more of what we’re already seeing, a lot of suffering and death of both Russians and Ukrainians (but mostly Ukrainians) for absolutely nothing.

  • AFAIK there was no such vote, but even if there was it would not have counted the separatist regions of Donbas. That’s the main issue with this war, it was already ongoing in some form long before Russia invaded last year, going on since around 2014. Since the invasion, the government has also declared there will be no elections and started banning or even arresting the opposition (like the communist party).

    The situation of democracy in Ukraine right now is incredibly shaky at best, which is why a lot of people (like me) criticise the government a lot. I understand that it’d be hard to have a referendum on the initial marshal law, but banning all adult men from even emigrating, and sometimes sending those who try to escape anyway back to the front, is to me a serious abuse by the government. IIRC During the start of the war, they also relied a lot on volunteers for the military, but now they’ve turned a lot to drafting civilians, which doesn’t bode well for how many people actually want to fight. But it’s really hard to get proper statistical data from Ukraine due to the aforementioned marshal law.

    Being in the military reserve myself against my will, I deeply believe that nobody should be forced into military service. Not only does it sound really inefficient to have uninterested personnel, but it also is a gigantic breach on a person’s rights and can mentally and physically scar them for life, not to mention the risk of death.