I think some of the more intelligent US Nazis are letting the bozos do their thing and riding the coat-tails and avoiding direct blame if things turn. I’m looking at a good chunk of the House and Senate.
I think some of the more intelligent US Nazis are letting the bozos do their thing and riding the coat-tails and avoiding direct blame if things turn. I’m looking at a good chunk of the House and Senate.
Mama was running AMD and daddy Nvidia. This poor little one drew the short stick in the genetic lottery.
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
I’ve also had a vasectomy. I have had zero government officials question my decision. It’s fair to point that out in solidarity with women to highlight their struggles.
If you think talking about a medical procedure like a vasectomy is creepy or cringe, then you have some growing up to do.
Your anorexia example is also bad. It assumes that someone who’s anorexic is just doing it because when in reality it’s a mental disorder that someone is suffering through. Not that that’s the same as Gaza, but it’s definitely not the how you’re portraying it.
The comment literally said that Nougat looked like a creep. It was a direct attack on them.
I hope the masses let that little racist fucker know how they feel about him ad nauseum. Harass the Nazis.
I just had this conversation with my boss yesterday. He said he thinks the comments are funny because he thinks he’s joking and just making everyone mad. I said no, he may present it as a joke to test how far he can go, but if there’s not enough pushback, he keeps going.
We can only hope.
Yea, really I just wanted to piss and moan about Nvidia. Realistically, I’ll find alternatives if the need arises, but it won’t be to the tune of a $3k purchase.
If they added download options on different taxonomies, I’d try to grab some things to archive.
Nah. I don’t have a computer to game, but I built my computer to game. Consoles at this point are smart data collection devices that also play games. I wouldn’t introduce that into my network at home. I could get a steam deck though…
I get rarely but newer AAA titles but grab them later on sale. There will be a point when either my card fails or just can’t keep up. If I’m pigeon holed to only lower graphics games, so be it.
I’m going to guess that this is very much not true. For that to happen, every individual device would have to have an exploit that only China is aware of that gives them zero touch kernel level access where they invisibly install a rootkit that can’t be flashed off. Now, if you connect to a network and it says you have to install something first in order to connect, then all bets are off. I’ve heard of some exploits where this could be possible for specific devices running specific versions of firmware or software, but they are exceptions that generally can’t be replicated consistently in the wild.
I would say that if connected to a Chinese network, all of your traffic can be monitored, so a VPN would be heavily recommended.
Either devs are going to have to start finding ways to keep next gen games functioning properly on my 2080ti, or I’m going to have to find a different hobby if AMD follows suite. I will absolutely not be coming close to paying for anything on that scale.
That’s a bit more than my home server can handle. I could maybe take some CDC data, but definitely not the full shebang. It would be neat if someone could segment the data so we could save some more critical things.
Any idea the size of IA? Could it be packaged in some torrents and distributed to the masses for decentralized archiving? I’m guessing it’s way more than I could store.
The three comments or retweets or whatever the fuck they are that kissed are the exact people I expected to still be on Twitter.
Honestly, might be the better future all things considered.
Hopefully it’s just Trump supporters getting that waterboard treatment.
Well, shoot.