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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • did you really think I meant to everyone?

    Well, yeah. This is what happens when you use such broad vague statements like, “if it’s allowed then it’s acceptable”. Anyone could interpret that as meaning “acceptable” to the general public.

    But okay, fine. So something being allowed means that it’s acceptable to the ones making the rules? Alright, let’s analyze that a bit then.

    I’m going back to laws because you seem to have missed the point of why I brought them up in the first place. If Twitter’s rules determine what’s allowed on their site, then laws determine what’s allowed irl. And by your logic, they then must determine what’s acceptable.

    Now, you’re allowed to talk racist shit in public. Does that mean that every lawmaker alive rn finds that acceptable?

    You’re allowed to smoke weed in quite a few states now. Is every lawmaker guaranteed to be on board because it’s allowed now?

    You can smoke cigarettes outdoors and in smoking areas. That’s perfectly allowed. You think every individual lawmaker finds smoking acceptable?

    Things aren’t so binary. Even those that make the rules, whether that be for an individual website or an entire country, aren’t necessarily going to find what’s allowed to be acceptable to them.

    But something being unacceptable doesn’t mean something should be disallowed.

  • And I’m saying that something being allowed doesn’t make it accepted. Unless… you think racist rants on Twitter are acceptable? After all, they’re allowed.

    So either you think racist rants are acceptable, or you acknowledge that something being allowed doesn’t magically make everyone okay with it.

  • Either they agree or they don’t

    That’s not at all what I’m saying. I’m actually saying the opposite. Whether anyone agrees with anyone else is entirely irrelevant to my point.

    I’m saying that people are allowed to say whatever they want, and that them being allowed to do so doesn’t mean that what they’re saying is actually acceptable.

    For example, someone can go on Twitter and have a full blown racist rant. They’re allowed to do that. But that doesn’t mean that what they did is acceptable.

    You’re saying that if something is allowed, it must be acceptable. That it being allowed in the first place somehow implies an endorsement of the behavior. That’s pretty much the definition of black and white thinking.

  • Lmao what? Saying that people should be allowed to speak their minds isn’t the same as agreeing with everything everyone has to say.

    Honestly, you assuming that it’s an “endorsement” speaks much more to your own issues than anything else. Maybe learn that life isn’t so binary - that things can be a little more nuanced.

  • Fair enough. If you ever give it another chance though, I promise it’s worth it. The way Eren progresses and where he ends up as a character is very, very rarely done in anime.

    I’m also surprised you’d bring up Evangelion in a discussion of overused tropes. That’s another show that takes a pretty bizarre turn and ends up going places that few other shows ever even attempt to.