But will we feel the shift in gravity/inertia as the planet starts moving straight?
But will we feel the shift in gravity/inertia as the planet starts moving straight?
You see where that filter is. You damned well know it was tightened with just a hand and no tool was involved. OP just needs to pull out his man hand and power that sucker loose.
Guess you only got a family of 3.
Unless someone puts a stop to them, we’re the nazis now.
We usually keep a good working relationship with them around here. I’m not friends with any when off duty.
Thanks. It’s a sweet job. Even if the pay is below what it should be, its still awesome to do.
Been firefighting for about 17 years now. Nothing burned up has ever smelled good.
Loops really seems like it sucks. You can’t see how long any video is, there’s no way to thumb down really bad videos, and about 80% of all the videos seem like “really bad videos”. I never even used tik tok, but im sure it wasn’t content similar or it never would have gotten popular.
What’s a “penalty rates”?
Definitely that he’s just dumb. The saying should be “please don’t dismiss the posibility”.
The wick soaks up the fuel so it lights up easy and stays lit, while also plugging up the hole so the fuel doesn’t spill out of the bottle until after it’s thrown and breaks.
Sometimes. And then you have a puddle on the ground on fire. No sweet explosions or sounds or anything.
Fun fact: If you don’t throw it, not much happens, really.
And goku could destroy a universe with less effort than you put into a sneeze.
I expect certain amounts of realism within certain fantasies, and AC has generally been a bit grounded in realism with the protagonists strengths and abilities being kind of close to humanly possible. AC is like a history lesson with a free runner who can fight. This guy here gonna jump to a rooftop and fall through.
I’m more thinking that the black dude would look so “pretend” doing all of the acrobatics that AC is known for. Why is he 300 pounds?
Well you’ve never asked a European about gypsies.
I had an s2000. My redline was about 9000 rpm and the gauge cluster was lit up orange, but lit up in such a way that it didn’t really look like it was back-lit. It was an amazing gauge cluster.
I had a 97 prelude sh 5 speed. Great Lil car and a lot of fun to drive. But then I got my hands on an 02 s2000. Funnest car to drive I’ve ever owned.
I know gravity moves at the speed of light. I’m just referring to the slight pull of the gravity and the sudden shift to traveling straight off instead of a circle.