Commiejones [comrade/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 17th, 2022


  • being a Nazi sympathizer does not automatically invalidate one’s opinions on other topics

    I’ll fight you on that especially when the “other topics” are “opposing Communist states.”

    It is entirely possible that the UN decided to overlook their crimes due to pressure from China.

    UN is a China Puppet? GTFO. The Peoples Republic of China wanted to join the UN in the 1950s but wasn’t granted membership until 1971 despite being the government representing over a fifth (22%) of the population of the planet.

    You were thinking that I gobbled up and regurgitated all the US propaganda and that this is just a conspiracy theory

    China is not committing genocide in Xinjiang camps the only one saying they are is a nazi sympathiser. If you are saying it it is only because you have not recognized that it is propaganda spread to delegitimize a communist government and rehabilitate fascism.

    Besides, I am pretty sure that when women are given more education, they decide not to have so many children either by using condoms or having less sex rather than getting IUDs.

    This is peak “I have never discussed contraception with a woman.” If you are going to choose between having less sex and fucking any time the mood takes you what will you choose? If you can choose between having to insist your partner wear a condom or just not having to worry about it what would you choose? No offense if you are asexual or whatever but this is like pure male virgin ignorance.

  • Here is an opinion post from the Washington Post.

    that’s not news that is an opinion piece that references Zenz who is a liar and Nazi sympathiser.

    The UN has done a fact finding Mission and they said there is no evidence of a Uyghur Genocide. It didn’t happen.

    Yes there are Vocational schools in Xinjiang but that is to teach people trades to lift themselves out of poverty. The only “culture” being erased is religious extremist terrorism that snuck in through Afghanistan when USA pushed the Taliban out of Afghanistan. Yes there was a rapid increase in birth control measures in Xinjiang but that is what happens when women are given education, economic self determination, and access to proper medical care. They get a IUD so they can focus on living their lives the way they want to instead of being slaves to men who use them as domestic servants and baby incubators.

    Zenz based his entire “genocide” theory off statistics and bad math because he is involved in the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. It is an organization built to spread hate against communism. They hate Communism because the USSR killed 7/10 nazis that died in WW2. The large majority of “Victims of Communism” were Nazis and the people memorializing them are nazis too.

  • There is nothing that is indicating that. The evidence that we do have is that the “several specimens were positive for rhinovirus, the cause of the common cold.”.

    Did you not read? its in the article you linked. No pathogen identified. Some of them may have had Rhinovirus too but obviously that was ruled out or they wouldn’t have said “Despite extensive testing of multiple specimens, no specific pathogen was identified as the cause of the outbreak”

    While there has been a noticeable decrease in EVALI cases since 2020 that is likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has closed schools and limited social activities limited, the illness has not gone away.

    Why would closing schools have stopped a non communicable disease caused by a hobby? That is stupid. Furthermore Schools have been reopened for a long time.

    One fact which should make it very clear that’s not COVID is that COVID is caused by a virus. And if it were COVID it would have spread and killed way more people, you know one of the famous traits of COVID.

    Maybe it was just not as deadly or communicable at that point? Covid mutates you know. If it were a precursor kids sharing vape pens it would make transmission far easier. If there is any chance this was covid why is there no investigation into the origins of covid in USA?

    You know the Spanish flu didn’t originate in Spain? Its just the first place where they identified that it was a new disease. Why do they keep pushing for China to be investigated when it could have come from anywhere and just been identified first in China?

  • In the long run, it means revolution I guess. But in the meantime, how do we stop old ladies from getting murdered over pride flags (to use a recent example)? Cristofascists and those that profit from them winning elections legitimizes their hate. It empowers the twatknuckles that support them. Even dumb crap like calling COVID the “Chinese Virus” spurs on hate crime.

    Has voting stopped this?

    How do we deal with that?

    Organize with other people who want a new system. Convince other people that nothing is going to get better by voting. Make connections with others groups who are doing the same. Build/join a network so that you/they know when critical mass is reached. While you wait for revolution, do what you can in your local community to make people’s lives better. This will also help pull people to the cause.

    Also be ready to be a partisan because fascism rides electoralism to power so things are likely to get worse before they get better.

  • 85 meters That’s about the size of an American football field. That’s a bit more than a few meters, you inbred Tankie.

    American education system really showing its worth here. An american football field is over 100 m if you are working with a margin of error of +/-15% at the start of your calculations your results will be dog shit. Do you know how many meters are in a KM? Do you know how many KM there are between the front line and the sea of azov? 85 is a few meters and in this context it is a drop in a bucket.

    You’d need like 300 million dollars worth of missiles provided 1) a Tungsten BB is big enough to set off a Anti-Tank mine 2) they all work correctly and hit their target, 3) none of them get shot down by Anti Air defence, 4) the mines don’t get redeployed and 5) USA has stock/makes that many of a specialty missile

    Then once that is all done you have a single path that is 85 m wide to drive down and Russia knows exactly where to aim its artillery.

    Its a stupid idea. Ukraine has the best minds the west can come up with. they don’t need your smooth brain to come up with ways to send more Ukrainians to a sure death. They are doing fine without you coming up with multi million dollar flops like this one. Go back to losing at HOI 4 on easy while using cheats.