If this was true China would be losing its shit over american weapons rolling into the hands of a apparently minority political movement.
Roll my eyes, answer right in front of you and you’re still blind. Lmfao.
If this was true China would be losing its shit over american weapons rolling into the hands of a apparently minority political movement.
Roll my eyes, answer right in front of you and you’re still blind. Lmfao.
I didn’t even say he wasn’t killed.
in other part because of poor reading comprehension
uh huh
how old are you Mr jumps to defend what the article says and then backpedal?
They just fell out of a window. The news said. Supported by other state apparatuses.
Now I’m not really running around believing this kid was killed I truly dunno him or this situation enough but to read one article about something like this and just take it at face value isn’t it. Look at Boeing I think three whistleblowers died in connection to them, look at Edward Snowden, look at how people act in the Trump administration, they were afraid to be whistleblowers. There’s a slew of assassinations in the news.
I don’t think it was a suicide, it also could’ve been a suicide but to really plant your feet on your evidence being this article. I dunno bro I think it’s a little foolish.
Haha okay present your evidence
This isn’t proving a negative? Lol.
This whistleblower is dead, they would be suspect #1 along with close family and friends. This is literally what the first step of an investigation should look like.
Why is that important? No you assume they are/were killed until someone has some real fuckin proof about it
I mean you could say the same of today though
climate change dude the animals are confusied
Honestly step one less people, I’m not saying kill people just need to control our population growth
I don’t understand why we don’t put troops in cities and say fight away from civilians or commit an act of war against our soldiers
Kid reads Tumblr and has Internet access, thinks he knows anything. You’re on the Internet too much and it is showing, you do not engage in any sort of academic setting
You literally speak of these characters as if they’re real people and that’s how they really act. Spewing words like queer theory and gender ideology. People are fuckin hilarious
Lmfao ramblings of a doofus
You’re not talking in caricatures or vaguely gesturing broadly. You’re creating a strawman.
None of that is real and then the question becomes two for, why the hell are you calling it queer theory or gay agenda or gender ideology. Because you’re fucked by propaganda.
Second part, how do you say all this and not question the current “sTrAiGhT tHeOrY” existence we live
It’s just a weekend special operation guys.
1000 days latah
I think a lot of these extremists are gay not just the men either. I know a lot of us think that but these extreme misogynist types clearly have absolutely no interest in women and often seem bothered we have them at all
Because Trump ain’t the America first guy
Lol how is that LGBT ideology?
Nah you don’t kick out a tenant when they can still pay
he is. financially.
oof only a bronze in mental gymnastics from the judges over here, it appears they criticize the blatant reaching for straws and you know with them bold face ignorance never works.