To answer your question, no it is not valid. The fact that you don’t actually stand by the word offended really answers yourself.
Why choose “offended” as the verb here? I’m not saying I’ve never seeing an offensive movie… But what you described is an annoyance at most.
It’s almost as if you are claiming offense to be contrarian.
He wanted to grok it?
It’s not likely they would. The US did some fucked up stuff, but (in this case) didn’t try to hide it…
Why? Did he make some roadkill racoon tartar again? Good thing he refused the rabies vaccine!
What happened 10 years ago in the east? Was it Russia invading due to oil reserve discoveries?
I know Ukrainians. I know eastern Ukrainians who protested against Yanukovych and were shot at so he could keep his gold loves of bread. I also know Russian/Ukrainians whose families emigrated to Ukraine after the USSR ethnically cleansed Crimea of the Tartars. Ukraine is a place with a complex past and lots of internal issues. But those issues are INTERNAL. They should have the right to work them out themselves. Russia invaded for oil and natural gas resources, plus the black sea ports. The rest is propaganda.
Up to 12 months and $75k fine.
One can only hope they throw the book at them.
This was my take as well. They only realized the MAGA folks were racist when they called Indians filthy.
When they were calling mexicans rapists and murders 😴
When they said africa was full of shithole countries 😴
I could go on, but it is kinda exhausting. Coming up next is the working class people when they start getting called white trash. Its coming once they consolidate enough power and dont need them anymore.
This presupposes there is some music you stopped listening to after high school, Im with you, I still listen to a bunch of that stuff. Some not as often as others, but it brings back memories. I was a metal head though and there was a lot of great 90s metal.
My brother loves his xterra so much he is on his 3rd (first was an accident, second went to the ex in the divorce). I rarely ride in it, but it seems kinda like a rattle trap to me. I dont know how much of that is his abuse and how much is the car.
Super cool. Working on some ebeam sterilization stuff through contractors. Cool to see the nuts and bolts.
because only product being irradiated goes there. no human should be in that area. plus with the lights off you see the ionized air. that would probably be washed out with another light source.
According to Bloomberg, Johann Rupert told the conference to bear in mind that when the poor rise up, the middle classes won’t want to buy luxury goods for fear of exposing their wealth.
“How is society going to cope with structural unemployment and the envy, hatred and the social warfare?” he said. “We are destroying the middle classes at this stage and it will affect us. It’s unfair. So that’s what keeps me awake at night.”
… its almost comical how he thinks of this. The first thought is his businesses wont be able to sell luxury to anyone but the ultra wealthy.
you should check this out too…
the pardon is for tax and gun charges, right? no drug charges?
at this point I don’t give a fuck, I just don’t want to hear the words “democrat” and “strategist” in the same sentence anymore.
White bean chili is one of my favorites.
Sometimes we might not do a great job because we didn’t know what we were doing and other times we were geniuses because we had messed up so many times before that we finally figured out how to do it right.
As I grow older, I find this is how you become an ‘expert’. You start not knowing how to do it, then you figure out all the wrong ways to do it by doing it wrong. Eventually, when you have messed it up in more ways than anyone else you know which paths not to take and you are then the expert.
One could make the argument that they didn’t do their due diligence and rushed out funds without proper oversight. Honestly it doesn’t sound great rushing out that amount of money (IF true), but with the backdrop of what was coming, it is obvious WHY they rushed.
Really, the accusation of corruption is comical given this administration’s actions.