Solid info there, thank you.
Solid info there, thank you.
I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. What part of the OS should managed the packages? The creators aka. Microsoft/Linux foundation/Apple/Google, the distributor, or a kernel module? What about cross platform package managers like Nuget, gradle, npm?
What? Surely seeing something popping up on steam and buying it happens far more than someone spontaneously buying a game in a store when walking around town/ a mall.
Maybe I’m a recluse, but I can’t remember last time I went into a store that stocks a meaningful amount of games other than second hand shops. Are physical games really that large of a margin anymore?
So there’s a lot of text under the criticism section, And I’m sure my argument against it is nothing new, but wouldn’t the operation and monitoring of the door take some energy? Even in a “friction less spherical cow” perfect world, removing the cost of operating the door seems to be a bit of a stretch.
What are the arguments for it really?
Okay Satan, calm down.
I’ve never quite gotten into wine either. I like most stouts and porters. Bit anything too hopy in my bear and it’s going in the sink. Shame with the whole IPA revolution going on. Other than that cider and cocktails are the only thing I really enjoy consuming. Everything from the sweet Swedish Briska to the most fermented fresh pressed apple cider goes down without much problem.
One of my favorite Let’s Play games. I tried to play it myself for 5 minutes before hard noping out. I’ve become a bit braver since my teens, so maybe I should give it a shot myself some day.
But it’s amazing to see just how far you can push HL’s engine.
I see it as it’s easy to self host. But I’m not skilled nor rich enough to guarantee the availability of it. I don’t want to be stuck on a holiday without my passwords because my server back home died from black out or what have you.
I pay for bitwarden and the proton mail package to keep the password management market a bit more competitive and it actually works out cheaper. It would be nice to have protons anonymous emails built in, but I can live with it.
But I might have to reconsider if Bitwarden is going a different direction that what I’m paying for.
No you see some infinites are bigger than other. So light year is basically a larger infinity than millions. There’s a YouTube video about, look it up 👍
/s (you never know these days)
Ah yes. I always forget to remove the label from my hunted bird. Cleaning “the top bone” is such a chore as well.
That’s fair. It was just my understanding that one of the leading causes to death was that the teeth started to rot away. I clearly need to brush up on my human history a bit!
Yeeeah but they also only lived to like 30.
Oh, that sounds cool! What is it you tune? I imagine some coil whine from heating elements maybe?
I honestly feel silly for not having looked up a solution like it earlier.
I got a couple of apps I’d recommend in a heartbeat.
Spectdroid is a spectrogram app. Its unreasonable how often I’m using this app. I got some mild tinnitus that comes and goes and this app allows me to find out if I got some actual weird buzzing I’m the house or if it’s just in my head.
And LocalSend is an amazing app for sending files between various devices and OSes over a local network. I no longer need to set up file shares, plug in my phone to a computer, or use cloud storage just to transfer over some files.
I don’t know what anti perspirants you’ve been using, but Rituals ones don’t stain or leave residue on any of my clothes.
Do I understand it right that it’s a free replacement of the still copyrighted game assists such as textures and models, and not the code itself? I’m curios if the level design wouldn’t also fall into this.
Oh you’re right! That’s an embarrassing mistake to make. I never got the stealth suit from Old World Blues.
World in conflict is so much fun. That form of control dating back from the ground control series feel so good.