If you’re interested in assisting moderation of any of the communities I moderate/own shoot me a message.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • If enforcing instance-wide rules is an issue for you, I have bad news about any forums you choose to join in the future.

    Not only is it against instance rules, but the comment was reported multiple times for being hateful and offensive, if it doesn’t personally offend you that is wonderful, it doesn’t change the bigoted nature of the word, and that it does offend some people. I gave OP 3 hours to edit the comment before I removed it, if anything that’s quite the opposite of Reddit moderation, where you’d simply have a comment removed and receive a ban instantly.

  • Hurts@lemmy.worldMtoPC Master Race@lemmy.worldResults of the PCMR Name Change Survey
    10 months ago

    Antik is one of the admins of lemmy.world. He holds administrative authority over the entire forum rather than being specifically involved as a moderator here. He could have removed the comment himself, but he chose to request you change it instead (which I would have also done, had he not already handled it).

    As a moderator of this community, I’d like to express our shared sentiment. The use of the term “retard” as an insult is something we discourage. Its appropriateness in language has evolved over time, and it’s increasingly considered inappropriate due to its derogatory associations, regardless of its original meaning. Language is subject to change, and words that were once commonplace are regularly perceived as offensive now. Regardless of personal views on the word, if the admins have deemed it unsuitable for use on this platform, it’s something that we will also enforce.

    There is an abundance of other words that effectively convey your message.

  • This comment has been up for two minutes and has been reported twice. I’m leaving it up as to give you the same leeway as OP using the insult “tool” and removing your comment would basically result in me removing the post as a whole, however, you’ve directed it at him, whereas OP was a broad statement, and everyone just calm down please

    Edit - If you’re wondering why these comments are now removed, it’s because the user edited both of them to add further insults after the warning

  • Not much at this point, honestly, but the site admins would like me to add moderators, especially from other timezones.

    In this instance, in particular, I can say I have had to moderate exactly zero things. Basically, just check the new feed occasionally to make sure everything being posted is relevant to the instance (i.e. pictures, not memes, not politically fueled photos, not shitposts etc.). If a report comes in check it out and clear it, but overall there isn’t too much moderating to do here.

  • I’ve defended myself in comment replies but I guess I’ll address the post directly as well.

    Kind of shitty to wake up and see this and a whole thread shitting on me, when I’ve done nothing but try to seed and build communities here. Any communities that have gained traction I’ve gladly accepted new moderators for (see c/nba, c/nfl, c/news, c/baseball), as well as stepped down as the head moderator at c/conservative.

    The literal only action I’ve taken as a moderator at c/conservative before this morning was reapproving comments that were removed for no reason besides disagreeing, and messaging that moderator and telling them that isn’t how we will be doing things, which is because I don’t intend to ever cultivate an echo chamber. See here to view the message

    To automatically assume that I have no LGBTQ+ affiliation or some insidious agenda is nothing short of slanderous and disingenuous. I have already personally stated that I am gay multiple days ago when one of the commentators on c/news attempted to call me out for this. See here for the comment chain.

    I have not rejected a single person that has requested to moderate any community that I started/seeded, and have already passed off ownership of one community out of the 5-6 that actually gained a bit of traction. The only thing I’m doing here is attempting to fill this site with content and keep any personal moderator bias’ aside whether that is from myself or the people I appoint as moderators within the community. Here is a screenshot of messages I exchanged with a user from c/news yesterday, where I again explicitly state I prefer the posts to come from sources that aren’t incredibly biased in either direction.

    I have stated in another comment that I am very centrist. I am not passionate towards either of the main US political parties more than the other, and I think that quite frankly makes me more fit than most of the people here to moderate these communities as I won’t curate echo chambers.

    Starting an entire thread to brigade and witch-hunt someone that is trying to prop this site up and provide content and communities from Reddit to ease the transition is a great way to quickly ruin this site. The fact that an admin at 2am EST intervened on a community because it upset some users for having different views and handpicked a moderator doesn’t bode well in my thinking that this site would be any different than Reddit.

  • This is correct. I have already passed off ownership of c/conservative, I’m simply just another moderator now. I have also added mods to any of the communities that actually have content (most of them do not without me seeding it). I have not rejected a single request from anyone that reached out to moderate any of the communities (the biggest ones are c/nba, c/nfl, c/baseball, c/pics, and c/news). I was discussing adding someone as a mod on c/news last night before I logged off and one will be up today. I haven’t received any requests on c/pics but the volume of posting isn’t really unmanageable.

    Edit - And anyone wondering WHY I didn’t remove posts from the one guy that was posting there, the answer is because I believe the voting system should be allowed to do its thing. All of his posts were heavily downvoted, it shows exactly where the community there or those passing by stood on the posts. I don’t believe in overmoderation which Reddit fell victim to and curated those echo chambers by removing content and posts they disagreed with.

    Edit 2 - Screenshot of DMs showing discussions with a c/news user that contacted me where I state that I don’t want the posts to come from incredibly biased sources

    Edit 3 - Grammar

  • Because the way communities came to be moderated on Reddit created horrible echo chambers between banning people for disagreeing views or forcing their own opinions/views down people’s throats via content removal, I wanted to grab them before the same terrible mods from Reddit did.

    > You are moderating both “Democrat” and “Republican”… lol…

    It’s almost like you don’t have to have entirely one-sided views and can moderate content without bias and without creating hate-filled echo chambers.

    If you’d like to participate in either of those feel free to ask, I’m not here to “power trip”.