• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • JayEchoRay@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldany tips for playing CDDA
    8 days ago

    Hope this cross-post works


    Although, if I had to think of beginner tips - knowing the keyboard shortcuts help a ton in getting familar with the game and one can use the “enter” key until you get use to it

    I personally learnt by using the starting scenario of the shelter to get familiar with getting the basics of water purification, food sustainability and crafting going and camped out in the shelter and get my crafting up to scratch.

    I know that I started to enjoy taking advantage of the weaker zombies in the early game and try and find a small town and try clear it out for a nice cushion to get one up to have a lot of raw material on hand, but that is more when one is more confident in the ability to handle zombies and found a style of play one enjoys


    There is another one on the !cataclysmdda@lemmy.ml instance, but it is not my post but here is it is https://lemmy.world/post/1796938

  • Noita, a precedurally-generated fully destructible, with physics, pixel-graphics action rogue-like game where you play as a mage going through the various layers of a dungeon with the use of your spells that one can spell mix and match with a wand system that can provide the player with interesting and wacky spell combinations.

  • CDDA, takes awhile to get comfortable with the controls, but it does scratch a certain itch once one can get setup and start to test one’s luck in search of the good stuff.

    One has to make their own objectives for it though otherwise one can sort of just get to a point and not know what to do. But getting to a point where you can just walk into a city and be the most dangerous thing there does have a certain charm to it considering the journey getting there. It certainly rewards exploring though as one can find all sorts of craziness hidden away waiting to be found.

  • I know it is cliche to say but it took me the longest time to really knuckle down and play it, but boy once I did - I basically started up another playthrough right after to see what I missed and the shift in perspective when I played a different type of character was interesting to say the least.

    So started as a skeptical intellectual who had to pull themselves from a sorry cop to a regular cop and approached things logically with a touch of eccentricity and pangs of regret and then compared to a wishy-washy communist with fascist leanings (which characters called the character out on) psychic superstar cop with an alias he truly believed was his name and I enjoyed and saw a completely different side of the game which was unexpected.

  • I cannot speak on the rest of the series, but I have played devil survivor 1 and 2:

    Devil Survivor 1 does have a bit of a difficulty curve that can take one by surprise with the first major boss and it is like priming the player towards what to expect but its story I personally enjoyed.

    Devil Survivor 2 is lighter in tone, well compared to the Devil Survivor 1, but I felt it was a smoother experience - doesn’t feel as tightly packaged but it does compensate with having a better presentation and provides choice in a lot clearer manner.

    I liked Devil Survivor 1 story better but enjoyed Devil Survivors 2 gameplay more

  • I know I cannot provide advice in this sitaution because I get what you are saying as I too have been dealing with the thoughts.

    It can be difficult, I have had a LOT of instances of bad things happen because of my misaligned views ( been told I need a priest to exorcise the “demons” kind of bad) and I am still have to deal with my sitaution and the invasive thoughts that come with it. It takes a lot trying to deal with it, but somehow in my life I have at least found a few people that have accepted me.

    Like I don’t need to maintain constant contact but for me it is being “accepted” is a lot ( a low bar I know) and in some cases just recently have been in contact with someone I haven’t heard in years, but I can still feel comfortable communicating with them after all that time.

    I mean I really do not like my life where I am at and there is a lot of things that I wanted to do and want to do but cannot because there are reasons beyond my control. At least for me, it feels like I am hanging by the sinews of the good will of others.

    So yeah, just a long winded reply going on about sharing in the pain. I don’t know what the answer is but I have tried to push myself lately to dig myself out of things otherwise I would be drowning in the tunnel that I am stuck in.

    I been doing writing stuff and trying to be more involved in social media a bit more has been my “digging” out attempt

  • I am surprised no one has spoke about the mutli-launch fatman launcher? - Fallout 3

    Quests I found interesting- limiting myself 7 points

    Fallout 3 :

    • Republic of Dave is a fun diversion
    • Agatha’s Song add another radio channel if I can recall
    • Working for the slavers and getting everyone on their list
    • Dunwich building
    • Killing all Behemoths
    • Bobblehead collection
    • Deciding what to do with the Declaration of Independace

    Fallout New Vegas

    • White Glove Society
    • Sunset Sarsaparilla
    • Collecting snowglobes
    • Michelangelo quest
    • Red Lucy’s Quest
    • A decision with Euclid’s C-Finder
    • Vicky and Vance Missing Gun

    Fallout 2 recommendation

    • Had to really earn brotherhood of steel trust
    • Has a whole new play style at “brain dead” low intelligence level
    • Mysterious hooded stranger on a bridge
    • Can have a car
    • Can build your own super brain bot buddy
    • Meet an unlucky dog
    • Get a deathclaw companion

  • That was very interesting to read and to think about. Thank you

    Seems to be something like what I am doing because that fits me to a tee in some respects with idolizing someone and now I have fallen out of that when I did not get a response when I sent a message. So while I do still appreciate the effort they provided, I have in essence emotionally written them off because I do not feel like they are not fully respecting me.

    I guess the writing part also is in that regard because I am in a state of trying to think and apply positive memories, reinforcing that reading it with it having an additional potential positive reinforcement if someone looks at it, making me feel like what I have done has value.

    I guess because I am rummaging around in this “positive” headspace it leads to more “positive” experiences because I am doubling down on thinking of something good and then reading something I thought of as good.

    I appreciate reading that and trying to approximate it into my situation

  • Thank you for sharing your experiences and kind words, it is cliche saying but I do appreciate the feedback. It helps provide perspective for me.

    Another long post to follow:

    I think what I am doing is like doing 3 things at once, with the 3rd being something of a far off “maybe” goal but in the back of my mind trying not to let it influence things.

    The 3 things being “emptying my head” trying to put myself in a less busy headspace, wanting to engage with people because I feel socially stunted and the 3rd and far off goal is being able to financially benefit from something that I enjoy.

    It is why I have had a desire to do streaming or video uploads as it feels like something I can take control of - It is the only conclusion came to as I cannot envision other aspects of entrepreneurship as I do not have any great ideas or the knowledge and aptitude to be able to finance it)

    I came to this conclusion after experiencing high levels of frustration in the work hierarchy being on the lower end of the system with no chance of upward mobility (all work experience has been of the minimum wage type) or being too honest in interviews to the point I feel it isn’t worth it anymore because of frustration at the general disdain I have experienced and kept quiet about and at how exploitative the companies can be (and convince myself out of frustration to want to accept) and still not make the cut.

    This has had a knock-on effect of making me being disinterested in improving in the field I studied for as I felt wholly unqualified in both comparison to my peers when I studied and also by the attitude that has been presented to me in interviews. It is essentially a piece of fancy paper at this point and I have not put the effort into improving as it fuels frustration which further distances me from it.

    I didn’t do the streaming/ video thing because I both feared for the health of the PC that broke would cause too big of a disruption, which it would have done and also because I hated hearing my own voice which demotivated me during editing having to listen to it and try and “fix” it in an audio application.

    I feel that so far the writing is a middle ground for me to both explore an aspect that I wanted to do but didn’t feel cut out for because of my personal fears and still having that comfort of not having to be self-conscious of every aspect along the way.

    I, at least, feel it is an healthier outlet than being stuck in the listless rumination I have subjected myself to while at the same time try and improve my “social intelligence” and move towards a goal I want to achieve

  • spoiler

    It was watching like a train wreck in slow motion, I ended up just going along for the ride to see how far this rabbit hole would go I really tried to be trigger disciplined in the beginning only firing after the point of a negotiation seemed impossible and before I knew it I caught up in this zoned out mentality - no decision is right, all that matter is the mission, just trying to survive and just devolved into killing on sight and in scenes that feel like it is out of some fever dream - still remember that “lights out” section as someone in some sort animalistic fight or flight zone blinking and someone just appears in front of you

    I guess it stuck with me how the main character kept making excuses and blaming someone else for all the problems and by the end of it and you see that scene with the chair looking out at Dubai and see that “I caused this” and with that call backs to the the choices and saw how it all was just some “cope” it kind of stuck with me

  • Spoilers



    My interpretation and granted it is probably a bit shaking as I havent played in a long time is:

    I personally found spec ops interesting into the slow descent into darkness, how your team is professional in the beginning and over time they become savage, to the point of blood thristiness, their animations changes, their speech, mannerisms and their models get gradually worn down.

    You do actions but over time you think wait - am I really doing the right thing, like if you decide to help the cia guy, you find out you’ve been played and just destroyed the water supply for a whole area that is in desparate need of it, this come back to haunt you later on when an angry mob catches up to one of your team. I still remember feeling vindictive of hearing my teammate scream in panic and fear as I was rushing to get to him

    Then to get there and see him murdered and and an angry mob looking for blood, my first reaction was vengeance not orderly dispersal…

    The character and the remaining team mate gunned down civilians mercilessly because I felt outrage at them killing one of my own… and the crowd had just cause to be pissed as your rag tag band of misfits have been blowing up commiting warcrimes after to warcrimes justifiying it to some “greater cause”

    As you play the game even the loading screen are questioning you if you are enjoying yourself and nothing is stopping you from continuing to play. It is quite in your face to say that what you are doing is wrong, but if you keep playing and by finishing the game you are justifying the main characters actions, you are complicit in the acts of violence as you the player are determined to see the game to the end just as he is

    Their original mission was to just scout… and it somehow turned into this Dubai tour de violence because the main character believes that there was a radio call from someone he idolised

    If I recall there is that scene at the end that shows all the bullshit, the hanged men, the voice on the radio your character thinks they see and hear is in their head - they have severe ptsd, and have “main character hero syndrome” and none of the game would have happened if they just followed orders


  • I enjoyed

    • “One Shot”, it has a few achievements that might require going back to try to complete.

    It is puzzle top down story adventure game( it does the whole look into your actual files for solutions thing), once I finished the main story I felt satisified. It allows for playing after the ending but doing so feels hollow and unsatisifying which is the point. It asks the question of why do you still want to play, but oh well I will allow it and makes it possible.

  • Mass Effect - I see there is a legendary edition with all the content bundled in one package

    • Mass effect 1: Is slow in the beginining, then opens up after the tutorial, although the secondary content feels like a grind one can find a lot of lore in between it all. Outside of the Golden path the environments and a lot of the combat feels samey, but the story really comes together well in the last moments

    • Mass effect 2 : The game is streamlined a lot, better environments and the character and crew stories steal the show and everything comes together in the ending again, although your choices are a lot more meaningful in the way the final mission plays out

    • Mass effect 3 : The culmination of the Mass Effect triology, even with the hits and misses the highs are high and the lows are low. The ending although improved on from what it came out with is serviceable now - although not going to harp and kick on that dead horse.