• 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • They’re cleary aware there’s drones above, yes. They seems exhausted, we don’t know for how long they’re under attack but fatigue plays it’s role. They also don’t have any counter-measure, and are not trained to act a certain way.

    Without good fortifications hiding you from the enemy sight, there’s actually not much you can do to protect yourself. At some point it’s just every man for himself. You can always give away your mate position, as we can see here, it only works for a brief moment.

  • Feel like the argument is pretty weak “UAF launched a surface-to-air missile around that area, around that time, therefore they were the ones bombing themselves”.

    I’m not sure what that’s suppose to prove. If the city was targeted by an attack, yeah, air defence likely get into action to protect it. Them being active at that precise moment is expected.

    I can’t find the non-paywalled article, i guess i am missing more conclusive evidences.

  • You have to get past the trollish level of the source :

    • confirmation of the destruction of an S-300 ;

    • patrol ship Vasily Bykov was hit (even though ‘not critical’).

    In general, the Ukrainian strategy of baiting anti-aircraft defences with drones in order to destroy them is rather smart. Number of maritime drones seems also to be on the rise, with waves of 6 units.

    Finally, the ‘herbivorous response’ made me smile. It’s good to see them mad.

  • Second explosion

    After the " first test of the pen", the SBU immediately began to develop a new attack on the bridge.

    A major role in the implementation of this idea was played by the head of one of the military counter-intelligence departments, a pseudo officer called Hunter, who contributed to the creation of naval drones.

    Ukrainian special services created explosive-filled remotely controlled kamikaze watercraft, made of a unique material invisible to enemy radars, the design of which provided for three types of control and self-destruction in case of need.

    The appearance of the maritime drones developed by the SBU, which were used to attack the Crimean bridge (Photo: SBU press service) The appearance of the maritime drones developed by the SBU, which were used to attack the Crimean bridge / Photo: press service of the SBU For the first time in the circumstances of a real battle, engineers and specialists of the SBU tested floating drones on ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, when the missile frigates Admiral Makarov and Admiral Essen attacked in the Sevastopol Bay last fall. The latter, after this special operation, stood in the dock for a long time for repairs.

    Realizing that drones are not capable of sinking large ships, the amount of explosives on them was increased to 850 kg of hexane. They also modernized the drone control system, receiving a qualitatively new model of the surface " Avenger".

    Malyuk enlisted the cooperation of the commander of the Navy, Oleksiy Neizhpapa, who provided significant assistance in the implementation of the entire project. The combined team of the fleet and special services began to prepare a naval operation to blow up the Crimean bridge.

    The drones continued to be improved, even installing two high-range Shmel-M jet flamethrowers on the hull. There were other know-how, the details of which have not yet been disclosed by the SBU. Modified drones were ready to perform extremely difficult tasks.

    In mid-July, the SBU and the Navy finally released the drones into the open sea, directing them to the target. “We stayed awake for two nights - literally every minute we were watching the drones. We were on such a drive that we had to calm down the guys a little so that they wouldn’t chase the drones,” recalls Malyuk.

    In the end, the drones hit the support of the bridge, throwing from it, judging by the photos released later, the entire span of its car part.

    " When the explosion happened, we screamed very loudly, because the tension inside was huge," Malyuk admits. - I’ll be honest: I prayed that everything would work out. And when the drone exploded, we also “exploded” with joy.

    Legitimate purpose

    The head of the SBU, describing to NV the details of the attacks on the Crimean bridge, emphasized several times: these operations were prepared exclusively by the forces of Ukraine, and no foreign special services were involved in them.

    Similarly, Malyuk clarified that the Crimean bridge is a legitimate goal for Ukraine. For example, the Geneva Conventions, which regulate certain rules of warfare, do not contain a ban on attacking such objects. And the Liber Code — the Instruction for the management of the active US army — defined as a legitimate goal " obstructing the ways and channels of movement, movement or communication."

    In his turn, Valery Kondratyuk, the former head of the GUR and ex-explorer of the Foreign Intelligence Service, commenting on the actions of his colleagues from the SBU, assures that the operations with the bridge were carried out in such a way as to cause maximum damage to the Kremlin and to maintain good relations with Western partners.

    “It is a very delicate job for the special services to be effective and to succeed in operations, balancing between the fears of foreigners before a nuclear war,” Kondratyuk believes. “This formula encapsulates the hard work and titanic self-sacrifice of Ukrainians.”
