• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Naps are not recommended by sleep psychologists if you are someone who has trouble falling asleep at night anyway, unless you are extremely fatigued, and in those cases, the earlier in the day the better so you can recharge your sleep drive before night.

    But yeah, I too wish I could give myself an actual refresh during the day with a siesta, but alas no.

    I am not a sleep psychologist and this isn’t medical advice, second-hand info.

  • I feel like all public servants (including cops) ought to have public liability insurance, where money would end up coming from in these situations, which then the employer (police department, other department) needs to pay, the employee is aware of, and is part of their renumeration (i.e. the more their premiums cost, the less they’re making), making idiots more of a financial liability to themselves.

    Quite quickly you’re going to have people acting as responsibly as possible if you’re insurance premiums then go up when you act like a moron.

    Obviously this would require protections so that people don’t end up being screwed over by insurance premiums, but still, this seems to be an issue in public service all over the world, no consequences because the tax payer just ends up footing the settlement, and the public servant goes on their merry way.

  • I don’t like Tyson because I feel he preaches an inaccurate version of the scientific philosophy. So many times I hear him saying things along the lines of absolute certainty, because it’s SCIENCE.

    Where, we of the true faith, preach: the evidence indicates that this is the most likely to be true, or at least, this model makes predictions about the world more reliably than any other we currently have.


  • While I know that these days, bugs in code can cause real-world harm (personal info leaks, superannuation records lost, lol google), I find it humorous to think of the equivalent, even worse outcomes in my discipline (chemical/process engineering).

    “Didn’t do any checks, fuck it, I know this calculation is fire 🔥”

    Later: 🔥🔥💥

  • I do think it’s reasonable to say they are all wrong, but I agree with you, this logic provided in the image doesn’t make sense.

    It being impossible for all to be true, doesn’t imply they are all false.

    It’s likely they are all false, if you subscribe to the philosophy of science, where without testable evidence, it’s deemed unreasonable to assume something likely to be true.

    The (in my opinion) correct opinion is that all religions are very likely false, because none have provided convincing evidence according to the scientific method.