• 7 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • This is Grubhub and all those other apps when I get a craving at home and don’t want to drive or can’t drive because I’m not sober. I browse through and see some stuff that looks decent and get all the way to the end to find out that my $10 worth of food is now going to be $25 plus tip to be delivered to me. So I just close the app and then get one of those stupid notifications “hey you still have stuff in your cart! Come back and finish your order”.

    No, fuck you.

  • Speaking as someone else who had a 7900XTX, this was sort of common. It’s just that a lot of game devs aren’t designing their games and apps with anything AMD (maybe Intel too) GPU related. The market is mostly Nvidia so that’s what their games are looking for when it tries to search up compatibility.

    Most of the time, it’s just that they don’t officially support it but it still runs without any issue. Since their game is looking for “Nvidia” but sees “AMD”, it’s assuming you aren’t using a compatible GPU. Even more so because Alyx came out in 2020(?) and the 7900XTX came out in late 2022 so the game really doesn’t know that this GPU exists.

    The game/app runs without any issue. The game just doesn’t have this specific card to check for a quick compatibility and throws this error as a “just in case”.

    There were some rare times where the game/app legitimately did not run. The Oculus app was one of these. VR worked perfect fine through SteamVR but never with the Oculus app since that app was designed for Nvidia GPUs.

  • Most recent, but not the absolute worst, was ripping my pants at work. I bent down to pick something up and heard the rip. It was over my crotch region too. Thankfully I had boxers on but was still pretty embarrassed.

    Thankfully my boss was cool about it and I just drove over to Costco down the street and got a new pair and changed in the back of my car. He make a joke when I got back which was fine.

  • Probably because it adds something to the game that is unexpected and creates dialogue around this.

    Kind of like that Dune popcorn bucket. They absolutely knew what they were doing. Everything on the internet is sexualized to death.

    It’s just that CP77 was really poorly received on launch, too much so, that no one made memes about it because people were too busy memeing the horrible performance of the game. But had the launch gone successfully, guaranteed it would have been memed to death and talked about for a long while.

  • With the current technology that we have, it would be that way where you get there but it will be difficult to impossible to get back, relatively speaking. But we’ve been at work to try to not make that a reality for those visiting the planet.

    This is one of the reasons why the rockets from SpaceX are so valuable in that they can land the same way they take off. Because with other rockets, we’d need a situation like we had on the moon during the Apollo years where a ship orbits the planet and waits for a separate landing ship to come back which is a waste of fuel and cuts down on the potential time that can be spent on the planet as well as resources that would be consumed and need to replenished and also waste of humans waiting in orbit instead of being part of the ground crew.

    While that technology is now here, there is still much testing that still needs to be done to ensure safety is there.

    What you may also be thinking of is the time in which it takes for a ship to travel between the earth and mars. At its shortest, the trip could be as little as 6 months, but is more as both planets orbit the sun further away from each other, so we are trying to find a time that works with that orbiting schedule as well so it doesn’t have to be a one way trip and they can get there and come back in a reasonable amount of time while having enough resources to last the journey.