• 15 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • You clearly don’t know me.

    I’m sure there’s some kind of culture difference going on here. You don’t appear to be a native English speaker (no shade, you speak at least one more language than I do). Since this whole thing right here is about a Michigan lawmaker’s statement, and how Americans are responding, you might not have the same kind of understanding of the situation as someone who is “in the shit,” so to speak.

    Of course people who are capable of becoming pregnant have more at stake here than those who don’t. That’s so obvious I didn’t think it needed saying. She had a surgery to remove the fallopian tubes - the ones which carry the egg from the ovaries to the uterus. I had a surgery to remove the vas deferens - the tubes which carry sperm from the testicles. These surgeries do remarkably similar things: preventing the gonads from delivering the reproductive material to where it can be made into a zygote.

    My intention was to point out that similarity, fully expecting that none of the fascists would have a problem with my surgery, even though it’s functionally similar to hers.

    At no time did I ever suggest that my stake was the same as hers. Your analogy with eating disorders is off the mark.

  • You might be thinking about this in a slightly wrong way.

    “The protest was occurring on sidewalks designed for pedestrian travel. The protest, while very offensive, was not unlawful,” a press release from the Evendale Police Department said. “The protest was short lived in duration. The protesters left the area on their own. No further action was taken by the Evendale Police Department.”

    However, several upstanding citizens interfered:

    Eley said they eventually made it past police and someone snatched a flag from one of the demonstrators.

    “The Nazis began to back off,” Eley said. “They quickly jumped in the back of a U-Haul truck and took off.”

    A woman brought out lighter fluid to burn the flag, and he joined in with others stepping and spitting on the flag, said Eley, who was a Boy Scout.

    “General flag disrespect: it’s a flag that deserves disrespect,” Eley said.

    Resisters got past police, took property, set it on fire, and weren’t arrested.

    That’s a good thing.

  • If they used on premise Exchange, that doesn’t have any spam filtering capability on its own. You’d have to have a third party filter doing that work.

    Exchange Online (M365, whatever the hell they decided to call it this month) does have spam filtering.

    which is just self-hosted Outlook

    In the context of email, the Outlook application is an email client, thought they do try to make it do way more than it has any business doing. You can have Outlook connect to any POP3/IMAP/ActiveSync mailbox, regardless of the mail server platform on the back end.

    I think Microsoft decided to make the outlook.com email domain to consolidate branding, even though the hotmail.com domain still exists for people who are still using it from before.