Matrix :

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2021


  • No weed, no alcohol, no caffeine, no meds, nothing legal or illegal.

    Yep, it’s me.

    Well, reality is not a rawdogging for me. Life can be difficult sometimes, however I always take time to contemplate small things and enjoy them. For example, when I feel bad, I concentrate on birds flying and I imagine all the amazing and complex machinery inside of their bodies for example. Of course, this is not the perfect solution that annihilates all the problems (spoiler: it doesn’t exist), but this helps me feel better and not feeling too bad.

  • Pourquoi cette pluie pourquoi?

    Cette eau, ces nuages qui nous étonnent

    Elle dit : cette pluie tu vois

    Ce sont des pleurs pour les yeux des hommes

    C’est pour vous donner des larmes

    Depuis trop longtemps elles ont séché

    Les hommes n’oublient pas les armes

    Quand ils ne savent plus pleurer

    Coule pluie coule sur nos fronts

    Idir, Pourquoi cette pluie ?


    Why this rain, why?

    This water, these clouds that surprise us

    She says: this rain, you see

    They are cries for men’s eyes

    This is to give you tears

    Since so much time they dried up

    Men don’t forget weapons

    When they no longer know how to cry

    Let rain flow, let rain flow on our foreheads

    Edit: make the message clearer