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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The voting system in the US is broken and people need to start voting correctly

    You’re missing the point. As long as the electoral college and first past the post remain, third party candidates will never win. Never. It has nothing at all to do with people being “too afraid”.

    The last time a 3rd-party candidate got ANY electoral votes(despite what the other person said, it has happened) was in 1968, and that was literally only because it was during the tail end of the civil rights movement and Nixon wasn’t quite racist enough for the south compared to the full blown white supremacist George Wallace.

    The ONLY time a 3rd-party candidate has done better than one of the two major parties was over 100 years ago in 1912. The only reason for that is because the candidate in question was 2x former Republican President Theodore Roosevelt, running as a 3rd-party specifically to oppose his handpicked successor turned rival Taft, who had become immensely unpopular with Rooseveltian Republicans. Well, two reasons: surviving an assassination attempt & giving a speech leaking blood with the bullet still in him like a total badass, just weeks before the election, probably helped too. Guess what though, it caused a huge spoiler effect that gave Woodrow Wilson a landslide 81.9% of the electoral vote despite only getting 41.8% of the popular vote.

    Third parties are just inherently incompatible with our current election system. We need to adopt ranked choice voting and ditch the electoral college first.

  • Sure, that’s an option. It doesn’t really change my overall point though that anything beyond galactic colonization is unrealistic on any time scale. Our next nearest neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy, is over 2.5 MILLION light years away, over 10 times farther than my “crossing the milky way” example, with nothing in-between to make a pit stop if needed, you have to cross the true void of space to get there.

    And that’s just to get the next nearest galaxy. Current estimates suggest the observable universe contains 2 TRILLION galaxies.

  • There doesn’t need to be more to it than that. The observable universe is over 93 billion light years in diameter. That means even at the speed of light, it would take over 6.5x longer than the universe has even existed for anything to cross that distance… except the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, so actually you need to go significantly faster than light to make it across. FTL is, sadly, still firmly in the realm of science fiction, so to the best of our current knowledge most of the universe is permanently inaccessible.

  • Not really, no. Generational ships might make colonizing the nearest star systems possible, but even colonizing our own galaxy would require some kind of suspended animation. The milky way is between 100,000-200,000 light years in diameter so even at the speed of light, you’re looking at a travel time that is ~33-66% of the time that humanity has even existed(homo sapiens are currently estimated to have become a distinct species 200,000-300,000 years ago)… just to go to ONE star system out of the hundreds of BILLIONS that exist in our galaxy. You’re gonna need generational ships so self-sustaining and capable that the generation that actually arrives at the destination will have long forgotten the point of the trip and might not want to leave the comfort of the ship.

    Still, colonizing our own galaxy is at least theoretically possible, given enough time. The real filter is just how unimaginably large the universe is. The vast, VAST majority of the observable universe is FOREVER out of our reach, as it is expanding away from us faster than the speed of light. Then there’s the unobservable universe, which could literally be infinitely bigger than the observable universe for all we actually know.

  • Lmao “no insults here” immediately followed by more petty insults, okay bud. Love how you were all gung-ho about how primo your shit is and has “3g of delta 9” until I pull out the receipts and suddenly it’s all “well it’s good enough for me”, and “who cares about testing their drugs”(people who aren’t fucking stupid?), and “well you’re just a junkie”(really, no insults here? Ok lmao). Newsflash my guy, there’s nothing special about the carts I buy, nor is my tolerance particularly high. That’s just how strong actual concentrates are supposed to be, so you only need a hit or two at a time.

    Your stuff is just literally weaker than ditch weed. Congrats if that gets you high, but it doesn’t change the fact you were spreading mad misinformation before and are salty I called you out about it.

  • the carts I showed have that many mg of delta 9 suspended in the liquid.

    No, they literally do not. Literally all of them have lab results on their websites. The first one had about 9mg/g, the second one about 1.4mg/g, and the last had none at all. Also, even counting delta 8 thc they were all still only in the 70-80% range. Regardless of whether the first two are legal or not(I have a feeling they’re not and enforcement is just weak), even the stronger one is only a 10th of what I get for the same price. And I live in one of the most expensive legal states by far. Just get normal weed from a dealer at that point if you’re in an illegal state, it’ll be stronger.

  • Sooo your source is a sketchy website with a quote claiming they can be “functionally identical”(whatever that even actually means), but without any actual lab testing of the thc concentrations to back that up. Oh, and the article specifically mentions how these are at best questionably legal to sell, and the fda has actively warned against them.

    Also, edibles are a completely different story than concentrates. You can pack a bunch of delta 9 in and still be compliant because the actual food aspect of the edible counts towards the total concentration. 15mg of delta 9 thc in a 5g piece of chocolate is no big deal. For a single “farm bill compliant” vape cart to have the same amount(by weight) of delta 9 thc in it as my 1g dispensary cart, though, it would have to be oh… about 10 ounces(edited to correct, originally said pounds) of other junk.

    Good stuff.

  • 80-90 percent of what?

    …80-90 percent of Delta 9 thc. Literally what are you confused about? The size of the cart has nothing to do with how potent the actual thc concentration is.

    I buy 1g carts, which means there is .8-.9g of delta 9 thc in them. The 3g carts you showed in another comment legally cannot be more than 0.3% delta 9 thc, which means at MOST they contain .009g of delta 9 thc, 100 times less than what I can get in a single gram from a actual dispensary cart. That’s about how much I can get in a couple hits, let alone the whole cart 🤣.

  • On one hand you’re not wrong. I’ve been driving with expired plates all year because I can’t afford the work needed to pass emissions, and I already used my hardship extension last year. The alternative is losing my job, my ability to get a job, my ability to get to a grocery store in under an hour, etc…

    On the other hand, though… I’m not sure what this guy was expecting. Like, the vast majority of the cops in my area do not give a flying fuck about expired plates, but I’m still gonna make a turn I didn’t need to if it means avoiding passing a cop. This guy literally livestreamed himself committing the crime he was accused of directly to the judge.