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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2021


  • They weren’t worked to death tho.

    The whole thing was a make work program on one side and a pacification program on the other.

    The former because work happened during the flodding season, when no farming could be done. Thus the peasants had no income otherwise.

    The latter because it kept the peasants busy, thus unlikely to become unruly. In addition peasants developped a personal connection to public works, having took part in their creation.

    The workers were paid, had healthcare and free housing. In addition, the first documented workplace strike happened on such a project.

    Also, them being burried alongside the pyramids did not equate them being burried at their office. Being burried next to the pyramids was otherwise a privilege for nobility and priesthood.

  • It might suprise you, but entertainment products are always propagandistic. A good example is the entire CoD series which glorifies western militaries and demonizes its enemies, going so far as to pin western warcrimes on other countries. Hint: Not Russia invaded Iraq, it was the USA. So the mowing down of a entire high speed road full of people, known as the “highway of death”, was done by the USA.

    Or the wonderfull Hearts of Irons 4, which depicts Stalins supposed paranoia as game mechanic, but conveniently “left out” the Holocaust and the genocidal aspect of the entire operation Barbarossa. Guess it’s easier to play Germany when the game does not tell you what your victory means for tens of millions. Hint: These millions get exterminated to make space for german settlers.

    Or the always cherished Hollywood with all its movies somehow making the US the good guy, might be related to all the US army toys they get to show in their movies. Which is the case, they get to use the toys, but have to make government approved stories.

    “Propaganda” ultimately is a synomym for “advertisement”, the preferability or desireability of a product, narative or ideology is advertised to the recipient. Regarding entertainment products, obviously the views, ideas and ideology of the creators are advertised to the consumer. It is propagandized, so to say. These things might be beign, neutral or heinous. But propaganda in any case.

    So per definition everything is propaganda. Welcome to reality, I hope you enjoy your stay.

  • Nah it would be better.

    Of course you are operating under the childish assumption that either of them would act like the USA, which is nonsense. Neither ever did so in their history. Russia was always happy to stay to itself and be secure, that meant you had a great neighbour and trade partner if you did not fuck with it. China could have conquered most of its neighbours multiple times it its history, but rarely ventured out of what are now the chinese borders, historically extremely defensive and trade oriented.

    meanwhile the USA has been at peace for less than 15 years during its entire history. Of all those wars, almost all were ones of aggression.

    You compare two sane people to a frothing berserker yelling “MAIM! KILL! BURN! LOOT!” ad infinitum.

  • Almost no arable land and a culture of herding animals. Herd animals are the only ones able to make use of the steppe directly. They soil is too flimsy for agriculture. As a result, meat is the staple food and cheap, while anything else comes at a premium and often has to be imported.

    Mongolia is also really good at breeding lifestock, back during the socialist period they helped the DPRK to get its breeding programs going after the war and donated many herds to start with.