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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • A lighthearted and colorful Soulslike RPG with actual multiplayer. I want to run around in a BotW/TotK style world and go adventuring with friends, while still feeling like the combat is challenging. I want to be able to head into a dangerous dungeon with friends and not be sure we’ll make it out, while having a more storybook fantasy vibe. Too many game opt for gritty apocalypse worlds. The recent Zeldas show that you don’t need to go grimdark to have a compelling fantasy world, while still retaining a save the world vibe.

  • I personally love working nights. I’m not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. In fact I am actively worse at things the earlier I wake up. Conversely my brain feels clearer and more active after 10pm.

    That being said, my social life is almost entirely online. I rarely go out IRL. I sleep like a rock and only need about 6 hours anyway.

    If you are someone who needs to talk to people, has trouble sleeping during the day, or requires a lot of sleep, the night shift is likely not for you.

    Some people are built for it, some aren’t.

  • YES!

    Everyone wants to save Tuvix because they like him. But nobody wants to save Tuvok or Neelix. They didn’t consent to dying so Tuvix could live. If you agree Tuvix is a person, then you cannot disregard that so were Tuvok and Neelix. Where was their funeral? Does Tuvok’s family not get it’s husband and father back because the crew liked Tuvix better? The two people who’s opinion mattered the most couldn’t be consulted. If Tuvix is a person, his judgement on the matter is simply too biased as his sense of self preservation would interfere with objective decision-making.

    To save Tuvix was to murder Tuvok and Neelix.

  • Electricity can be generated sustainably. Rare earth metals can be recycled. We are working on alternatives to fossil fuels. Environmental issues aren’t a zero sum game. You don’t “Lose” just because something else also pollutes. It’s an issue that is worked on systematically. Could it be a lot faster? Yes of course. But we work with what we have.

    Data centers are also multi-use. You don’t build a data center just to house your game. You pay for the space in one that already exists. A company can choose to make software available on a platform that is open to a large portion of the world, or it can spend cash and resources shipping boxes of plastic all over the world. The pollution and waste generated by shipping something across an ocean massive. Do you really want to put all that into the air so you can have the plastic circle?

  • You’re absolutely right. All these people shouting about “back in my day we owned games!” are forgetting that games have to be manufactured. Is all that plastic and pollution worth having a plastic rectangle with a different plastic circle in it? At the end of the day once you’ve played the game that’s it, it’s yours. Your experience is unique and it can’t be taken away, don’t cling to manufactured waste when what you cherish are the memories.

  • About to start a 5e game in a custom “1001 Nights” inspired setting with a handful of standard fantasy races and beastfolk. Magic is uncommon among normal people, but the rich and powerful often have access to it. There are factions vying for control of magic and magical artifacts.

    I’ve got a vagabond coyote (re-flavored wildhunt shifter) wizard who scraped together a magical repertoire in order to help his sister, a wild magic sorceress, learn control of her abilities. She was kidnapped in the dead of night without a trace and he vowed to find her. After a few years he tracked down a Djinn and asked to find his missing sister. It refused citing it’s own limitations and some kind of abjuration magic. Instead he wished for the strength to find her. The Djinn being a Djinn, twisted the wish out of spite and cursed him with a monstrous form that appears when he is angry (barbarian levels). Now he seeks any artifact that could help him locate her, hoping the curse does not spread and make him a monster forever. Knowing how coveted magic and magical artifacts are he has opted to use a deck of cards as his spellbook. It has allowed him to keep it on his person even in situations where he would be disarmed. His spellcasting will be very Gambit flavored.