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Are you happy Indonesia is becoming China’s pet?
on the bright side we won’t hear anything about it anymore /s
Imagine using JucheStalin unironically as your username…
I hate to admit that yes they are gold.
it’s sarcasm mate but yeah I hope they like it too
This is lunacy it’s like it’s getting worse and worse
Funny I use KDE on NixOS because it’s the only OS where it doesn’t freeze my whole system up and I have to force reboot. (issue caused by AX210 Intel driver)
Good meme that angered everyone.
The whole Grad is seething I’m loving it.
Hey! I’m the clueless guy who posted thinking it would just be our instance…
You know what they say, you can’t make an egg without breaking some omelettes or something…
ANYway they got real nasty with our mods and admins and I think they really outdid themselves this time, so much so that we are having a vote now on both hex and grad even though the main admin was not on my side initially.
Their worst enemy is themselves.
Excuse me, may I deposses you of this image? It would be a fine addition to my collection.
I don’t understand. Regardless of who does the killing and for whatever reason Ukrainians kill Russian civilians or vis versa, if Uyghurs kill Han Chinese or vis versa or even if Palestinians kill Israeli civilians or vis versa and even if it is fully understandable it is never legal nor justified to kill civilians.
I mean depending on the instance it’s quite bad here as well
Great I wonder when will it be available in Nixos unstable
I don’t get it why americans still put up with this if I suffered from that in France I would just leave my country.
I’d like to know what the removed comments said although I highly suspect that they were along the lines of saying something like this is a war crime blah blah blah. Yes I have seen Ukraine commit a few war crimes (mercy killings and such) but it pales in comparison to what the Armed forces of Russia have done. I’m too lazy to find a list but between beheadings, shooting down prisoners, torturing and shooting civilians, Mass graves…
Ukraine is fighting with it’s hands tied while Russia is free to engage in any way it wants. Is this a “dirty” tactic? Yes but it’s necessary against such an enemy.
noooo wayyyy, Really? I am utterly shocked