Oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer

  • 79 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • You’re more than welcome to post on shitty food porn. There’s not a lot of activity and the votes will let you know if it’s the right place (I don’t remove posts unless they’re breaking rules). It kind of has two interpretations - pictures of shitty food (self explanatory) or food porn that’s shitty (ie bad lighting, bad presentation, etc).

    Or let me know if you start an “average food porn” community and I’m more than happy to link it in the sidebar of SFP.

  • I gave up on online dating last year and I won’t be back. If that means I’ll end up dying alone, I’m honestly more comfortable with that idea than suffering though anymore of the bullshit that’s Tinder/Bumble/Hinge/etc. It’s become such a miserable experience for both sides (men and women).

    As someone who had used online dating on and off for 10+ years, I can tell you one of the big problems - money and greed. I know it’s always easy to just “blame capitalism”, but I’ve seen first-hand the paradigm shift from an actual useful service (i.e. a way to meet people that you would otherwise not meet) to the blatant greed it’s become. The dating apps are so obviously profiteering off people’s loneliness it’s fucking disgusting. Back before Match bought everyone up, these services used to actually be okay for what they were.

  • r/place is an interactive art project run by reddit on April Fools. It ran in 2017 and 2022. Now they’ve brought it back for 2023 (it was supposed to have happened on April Fools this year, but various…things…happened). It kicked off again today and as expected, it’s gained attention for the bad timing (protests, tone deaf admin, etc…) and people have coordinated to write “fuck spez” messages and other things (at some point, there was a guillotine + reddit’s head).

  • I knew someone who threw themselves off a bridge. Well, I knew their sibling. I was there when the call came through from the RCMP that they were missing. Then the call that the body was found. To say that it destroyed that family would be an understatement. I remember that my friend had to go down with their mother and identify what was left of the body. They were (understandably) never quite the same after that.

    I don’t know if I support expanding MAID to people with mental health issues or not. I have a feeling their sibling would’ve found a way to kill themselves one way or another. Maybe something more dignified would’ve been easier on the family? I don’t know.

  • I’m sure there’s an argument to be made about not buying things you can’t afford, but looking at the graph in that article, people are going to get fucked on mortgage renewals. Anyone that locked in for 3/4/5 years are going to be renewing between now and the next couple of years and going from BOC rate of 0.25% to 5% or more is going to hurt.

    Someone I know is looking at renewing their mortgage in the next couple of months and they’re already looking at a jump from 3% to >6%.

  • I’ve been trying to kickstart four communities because apparently I’m a masochist, but I’ve posted more in the last month than I did in the last 10 years on reddit. It reminds me a lot of my first couple of years on reddit (circa 2010/2011) and then my posting died off because you’d either get drowned out by the noise (hundreds or thousands of comments) or ignored in favour of a one liner joke.

    I’ve seen a lot of people comparing Lemmy to early reddit, and I don’t necessarily disagree, but I feel like there’s one important distinction between the two. Even early reddit was driven by karma. There just wasn’t as much people >10 years ago. I find the lack of karma on Lemmy refreshing. How it’s gone back to the old forum way of just counting the number of posts is fantastic. It’s a weird habit to break out of though because part of me still wants to go “I got no upvotes, time to delete” or “I’m getting downvotes, better delete my post”.