Buying groceries in bulk. You’d think this would be THE place for it, but the nearest good shopping is 70+ miles away. The grocery store here is boring AF as well as expensive. If you want to make sushi for dinner, you’re SOL.
Grinding up Greenwood Dark, gonna plant a bunch of Iranian next year. I go no till, chop n drop and drought-resistaaaant!!! If you feel me, gimme a “HEYYYY HOOOOO HEEEYYY HOO”
Buying groceries in bulk. You’d think this would be THE place for it, but the nearest good shopping is 70+ miles away. The grocery store here is boring AF as well as expensive. If you want to make sushi for dinner, you’re SOL.
I agree, they’re pimping “threads” so hard, any other social media entity will have a tough time with “thread” in the title. The play store is promoting threads on nearly every search page.
Well, you dig up a piece of a parricide’s coffin and make yourself a planchette and pretty soon you got yourself a Hellmouth…
Stover’s Chocolates made with stevia. Eat 1 pound over a day or so. Tried and true formula.
Thank you! I want to be in the first 100000 to watch